I have a different perspective on this. In my opinion housekeeping work is an extremely valuable benefit that brings calmness and order not only to my house, but also to the quality of life of those of us living in it. Aside from treating her with respect, I have always believed in erring on the high end of the pay scale.
In exchange, I have a very loyal housekeeper who prioritizes us, is always on time, is trustworthy, and takes pride in her work.
Years ago I asked a former housekeeper what she thought fair compensation should be. She told me she felt that an hour of work should be able to buy her a kilo of asado and I agreed. Over the years there have been moments where that amounted to $3 / hour. Currently it is closer to $6 and I'm paying her 5.500. Some may balk at this, but I feel good about it.
With a flat blue dollar that isn't in step with inflation, I feel the asado index is fair.
By the way, if anyone is interested I am happy to share how that asado index has fluctuated over the past couple of years:
View attachment 9724
Link to the asado pricing I use: