Daily Url, Apr 03


Staff member
Sep 22, 2012
Friday, 03 April

Los Cadillacs -- reunited and fabulous[Miami Herald]
They are among the most talented and successful Latin rock bands in the history of the genre. Their most famous song, Matador, is a dark, irresistible anthem ...

Thursday, 02 April

Farewell to Alfonsín[Buenos Aires, City of Faded Elegance]
This afternoon Ceci & I met up with Robert to stake out a spot on Av Callao to watch the funeral procession of former President Raul Alfonsín .
After the procession many ...

Malvinas Day & Maradona’s Revenge[micheleandtom.com]
It may not feel like a holiday in the US, but, in Argentina, today is Malvinas Day . Schools are out, banks are closed, a...

Stars and Saints[SaltShaker]
The Star of David [in Hebrew, the Magen David or Shield of David] is renowned as the sacred symbol of the Jewish faith. Indeed, the Star of David is the distinguishing feature on the Israeli f...

From Chorizo-Salad Wars to Lower Cholesterol[Romancing Argentina]
Imagine a duel between a big fluffy California green salad and a plump, savory grilled Argentine chorizo. That pretty much sums up the food battle here in our intercultural marriage. Food often ...

Buenos Aires is among men's favored cities [Askmen.com]
After the 2001 economic collapse, Argentina went from being one of South America’s most expensive cities to the cheapest almost overnight. Nearly 10 years later, the dollar is still strong against the Argentine peso ...

Human body parts found in religious temple [The Telegraph]
A human skull, femur, and other bones were found on the altar, and detectives were investigating whether human sacrifices were carried out at the church in Argentina.

Wednesday, 01 April

Bolivia Crushes Argentina In World Cup Qualifier[The Argentine Post]
It wasn’t the worst defeat Argentina have ever suffered – they lost by the same scoreline to Yugoslavia in the 1960s. But the football team’s astonishing 1-6 collapse against Bolivia ...

The Shankees Have Come to Town[The Argentimes]
When you think of Argentina and its sporting tradition, you think football, Maradona and the hand of God. You may also wonder how the country managed to churn out such good polo teams. You are rather ...

Insecurity in Buenos Aires: Out of Control?[The Argentimes]
On 18th March, 10,000 people gathered in Plaza de Mayo. Their cause? A march against insecurity, the "scourge" of Buenos Aires. Under the slogan "things do not always happen to others, we say: enough"...

Watch Out for these Scams and Rip-offs[Buenos Aires Tips]
No matter what country you visit there are always a few bad apples looking to take advantage of tourists and exploit their disorientation and unfamiliarity with their surroundings. Unfortunately t...

Moscow Symphony Orchestra Gala concert[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
The 5th Ushuaia International Music Festival, which will be taking place from April 25th to May 9th, 2009 in that city, will offer a special Gala in Buenos Aires by the Moscow Symphony Orchestra at ...

More Bang for your Buck: Argentina’s Affordable Vacations[Argentina's Travel Guide]
On February 17, President Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Unfortunately, a key provision which the American Society of Travel...

Tuesday, 31 March

A Census Taker for Penguins in Argentina [NY Times]
In the early 1980s, a Japanese company went to the Argentine government and said, “We’d like a concession to harvest your penguins and turn them into oil, protein and gloves.” There was a public outcry...
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