Daily Url, Apr 16


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Sep 22, 2012
Thursday, 16 April

Taco Crawl[SaltShaker]
 You’re Hispanic. You speak Spanish. You’re doing ethnic jokes. Taco Bell is one of your first targets.”
- Carlos Mencía, comedian Buenos Aires - Let me ju...

Wednesday, 15 April

Tourism Plummets 22% In February - INDEC[The Argentine Post]
International tourism plummeted in February, falling 22.1% from the same month a year ago, making this the fifth consecutive annual decline since October.
The number of visitors fell to 150,783 in...

Mozarteum Argentino presents concerts by Orchestre des Champs-Élysées[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
Mozarteum Argentino , a private non-profit institution promoter of musical culture both in Argentina and South America, inaugurates its 2009 Season at Teatro Coliseo, presenting the Orchestre des C...

Expat Tax Benefits[Discover Buenos Aires]
Seeing as how today is April 15th (the day taxes are due in the United States), I thought it would be fitting to finally finish the post I had been working on regarding some of the tax benefits to b...

Learning Spanish III[Discover Buenos Aires]
I quickly realized that spending two months in Brazil, while amazing, definitely hurt my Spanish language skills.* Add to that the additional time I spent in the States for Christmas, and I now find ...

Gauchos on the Potomac: Books[Bloomberg]
The millions of emigrant Italians and Irish fleeing poverty at home at the end of the 19th century were torn between two destinations: Buenos Aires or New York...

Tuesday, 14 April

Part II: How to Rent a Temporary Furnished Apartment in Buenos Aires[micheleandtom.com]
Welcome to the second part of what must be a fascinating series for those of you who have no intention of ever renting an apartment in Buenos Aires!
(In case you missed it, here’s Part I .)...

Supermarkets Present Scheme to Overcome Change Crisis[The Argentimes]
From the beginning of June, the many supermarkets run by Argentina’s Chinese inhabitants will introduce their own initiative to overcome the lack of coins. They will offer their clients a voucher for ...

Ciudanza - 2nd Festival of Dance in Urban Landscapes[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
On April 18, 19, 25 and 26, 2009 , organized by the Ministry of Culture of the City of Buenos Aires, visitors and locals are invited to enjoy the dance festival "Ciudanza". Ciudanza is part ...

Punta Tombo... Penguins, penguins everywhere![The Life Less Travelled]
There are a few day-trips to do from Puerto Madryn and they generally all involve seeing one thing: animals. Being a low-season traveller, I missed the whales and the elephant seals - and it was too w...

Monday, 13 April

The Rainbow Colours of Blood[In search of Macondo]
Blue birds dance across a childhood mural. Painted flowers creep up from the shiny wooden floorboards. A clutter of books lie waiting for chubby hands and inquisitive minds. But this is not a nurser...

Let's Welcome Our Newest Expat[GoodAirs: More than a bad translation of "Buenos Aires"]
It's just part of Argentine life, like the irritating presence of Philadelphia Cream Cheese in local sushi: so much has been written and said about the expat flow to Buenos Aires that we sometimes ...

Knock Knock, Who’s There?[Romancing Argentina]
A whole different set of characters shows up at my door here. Not a single Avon lady with catalog, no Girl Scout with cookies, no ice cream truck, no college students with petitions for NYPIR...

Semana Santa[Beatrice M's blog]
Making sure Jesus is dead , originally uploaded by blmurch . Semana Santa is coming to a close in Buenos Aires. I hope you are having a good Easter and/or Passover. I'm not a very reli...

Sunday, 12 April

Survey Indicates Crime Is Up Sharply In Argentina[The Argentine Post]
Crime appears to have risen sharply over the past year, according to a new study published last week by Torcuarto Di Tella University.
The study, which surveys households in 40 urban centers around......

Music Without a Roof[The Argentimes]
As I arrived at the empty venue, I was struck with panic. Did I have the wrong time or did I have the wrong address? I felt slightly relieved when I saw the posters for the concert lying on a desk. Th...

A Creative Knock Out[The Argentimes]
Shopping trolleys, traffic cones...no, it's not a student residence, it's 70 Seconds Before The Knock Out. An observant eye pays off in Buenos Aires; dogging dog poop, hopping cracks in the pavement a...
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