Daily Url, Aug 24


Staff member
Sep 22, 2012
Monday, 24 August

Arriving in Argentina from a Galaxy Far, Far Away[The Argentimes]
From the sizzling flourescent light saber clashes to the metallic wheezing of Darth Vader’s grated breath what’s not to love about 'Star Wars'? For those whose life would not have been complete withou...

Careful About Buying From Monotributistas[Investing and Doing Business in Argentina]
Beginning in September, companies will be required to carefully control their purchases from monotributistas. A new retention regime put in place by AFIP, Argentina's tax agency, turns every company i...

Verdulerias[Buenos Aires Photographer - Big Pics of BA]
As the winter is loosening its grip on Buenos Aires I've been drawn to the lush fruit of the city's ubiquitous verdulerias. The selection is hardly exotic but I'm drawn to the infinite var...

It’s another Borges birthday[Buenos Aires, City of Faded Elegance]
Time to pause and read a bit of Borges on the 110th anniversary of his birth in Buenos Aires: August 24, 1899. If you’re not sure where to start, here’s my top 10 stories by Borges , ...

Roland Joffe filming "Opus Dei" movie in Argentina[AP]
The city of Lujan near Buenos Aires is standing in for 1930s Madrid in the movie, whose cast includes actors Charlie Cox as Escriva and the latest Bond girl, Olga Kurylenko...

Sunday, 23 August

Mitre Line - JL Suarez Branch[Buenos Aires Photographer - Big Pics of BA]
There are big differences in the quality of trains on different lines. The trains that run to Tigre are quite nice with air conditioned cars, altho they're starting to show their a...

Le Corbusier in Buenos Aires: "The Poem of the Right Angle"[My Buenos Aires Travel Guide]
The National Museum of Decorative Arts presents this exhibition organized by Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Le Corbusier Foundation in Paris, and Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid. Le Corbu...

Saturday, 22 August

America! F%#*& Yeah![Esplendor y Miseria]
A year has passed since I left the United States to live abroad. On many occasions in that time I’ve been asked why I’m here. The answer to the question is always the same: Jimmy and I came to live in...

Mystery Shopper: Best buys in Buenos Aires[Financial Times]
... the host country’s mid-morning starts and notoriously late dinners left me with ample opportunities for exploring a vibrant retail scene.

Iranian president’s Cabinet nominee wanted in Buenos Aires attack[boston.com]
The man Iran’s president has named to be defense minister is wanted in the 1994 bombing of a Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires, and his nomination drew an outcry yesterday from Argentina and Jewish groups...

Friday, 21 August

Proclamation of Sentences in the Case of Cromañon[The Argentimes]
Main culbrit is the former clubowner Omar Chabán, who was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Several other involved persons recieved jail sentences up to 18 years. The members of the band Callajeros wer...

The Return — It’s the Small Things[micheleandtom.com]
Salt Shakers . At a restaurant yesterday, I created the Iguazu of salt while seasoning some chicken because I forgot that Argentine shakers are very porous and make for the easy distribution of sod...
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