Dating in BA

People act as though weight issues are exclusive to the US. I've seen my share of overweight people in Argentina/worldwide. The one thing I will say for Argentine women is, I believe on average, they are more feminine... note, I said as-a-average because I know plenty of women in the US that feminine and take care of themselves. But that's not really the topic here is it?

Imo, meeting the right person is all chance. You may meet the man of your dreams within moments of stepping foot in Argentina... and then for some, maybe it will take a year or two. Relationships, friendships and people in general are so random. You can't even go off common interests sometimes. Meeting a guy probably won't be your problem... especially if you look weird/different. Argentine men are very straightforward. Suerte =]
Be careful of the guys.

In my four years experience, I've come to believe that 50% of all Argentine men visit brothels or would if they could afford to do so. And almost every single time I'm go out with a male friend's group of friends, they either (A.) end the night at a brothel or (B.) lament that they don't have the money to end the night at a brothel; it's like going to a strip club is to American guys, except 100x more prevalent. And it's a "habit" that persists throughout life, becoming something quietly done alone as one gets older.

A lot of foreigners are completely oblivious to this facet of Argentine life. It's the dirty little secret of Argentine culture, despite the plethora of building fronts with windows tinted to full mirror and with gated "Playa Privada" (private parking area) advertised prominently. I still have yet to determine whether the women of the country really are so oblivious to it, whether they simply don't care, or whether they delude themselves out of some sort of necessity.

I'm not saying that Argentines are bad, inferior, immoral, or intrinsically flawed. If America (or anywhere else) were to have the same availability + relevant cultural mores as here, American males might exhibit the exact same behavior. All I'm saying is that it is a reality here, now.

So be careful of Argentine males. Scrutinize them more than any most any other men you've encountered because there is a high probability that they also dip their wick in girls who see 5 guys a day.
Don't get confused, brothels and telos are not the same. Most of the guys don't go to brothels, many do go to telos with their partner.
Moreover, I do not think Argentine men are worse than men somewhere else. I travel very often around the World (business) and believe me, it amazes me every time to see American and Western European business men get off the plane in countries like Brazil, Argentina, Russia, Singapore and ask desperately where the girls are, even before they know in which hotel they will be staying.
spanglish said:
Guys, can you take this kind of talk back to the "pickup artist" travel blogs? I discovered that whole world by accident while Googling about Buenos Aires. "Sexual market value" was a dead giveaway. OP is writing about how to find a nice guy to date, so let's not take this discussion to a place where we discuss how supposedly fat and horrible American/western women are. There are internet forums filled with lonely men who were unhappy in high school for that.

Thanks for that spanglish. I was getting pretty disgusted by this thread, and you responded to that whole sleazy business with a bit more class than I was about to.

I'm a 22 year old american who has recently expat-ed herself (and not quite the terrible ugly fat blob I'm supposed to be according to the *ahem* experts on this thread - but I digress) and my terrific argentine boyfriend and I have just moved in together...after a 10 month, long distance relationship that was both loving and faithful.

So yes! In my opinion, there ARE decent Argentine guys out there, it just takes a bit of luck - and discernment - like anywhere else in the world. I met my guy in a bar, of all places, so I guess my advice is to be open to meeting people, be smart, and don't wait for one to drop in your lap...I was the one who had the pelotas to walk across the room and talk to him (after he initiated some intense prolonged eye contact, hahaha).
I find that dating Argentinean men is not so difficult and that one can find lots of possibilities here. All you have to do is make yourself open to date. Of course, you have to want to date and also to accept some of their local nuances (such as being macho, in charge and control). I find that they are intimidated by strong and independently minded women and that they are afraid of commitment, but this may be universal. Anyhow, go to millongas, learn how to dance basic tango and dress feminine, you will have plenty of dates. Enjoy.
I've never actually been out looking for a guy here, but I can say that good Argentinean men do exist! Just have to find them. And yes, they do date American women.
militarypm said:
I find that dating Argentinean men is not so difficult and that one can find lots of possibilities here. All you have to do is make yourself open to date. Of course, you have to want to date and also to accept some of their local nuances (such as being macho, in charge and control). I find that they are intimidated by strong and independently minded women and that they are afraid of commitment, but this may be universal. Anyhow, go to millongas, learn how to dance basic tango and dress feminine, you will have plenty of dates. Enjoy.

Being a local I'd like to give my point of view.
I have friends of several different places and kind around BsAs and can tell you that almost none of them have that "Macho" attitude and rather prefer being with a strong and independent woman, which are sadly hard to find around the city.
Personally I love women from different cultures since they're usually much more friendly and interesting than locals, and the same counts for most of the men I know around here. As a men it's probably not my place to say it but there ARE good men around here, I completely understand some of the generalizations around here, but believe me there are a lot of both good men and women, smart, fun and honest people.
Heard a lot of people here talking about meeting people while dancing tango or milonga. Really don't know any locals doing it and I don't know the type of guys you can meet there so can't talk that much about it. Now, places to go and meet good people the best Idea is to befriend some people and meet friends of friends and go about it that way, you can always meet good people everywhere, but on some places it will be harder to point out who is genuinely good and who is acting good. Anyways having bars and pubs as my general hang-out, I can say I've made a lot of friends around there, also met people I wouldn't like to see ever again though :p

Just go out, enjoy, make friends, and meet theirs, you'll see there's a lot of nice people to meet.

In another response to the original poster, I just want to counter some of the incredible negativity that is so typical of this thread. Of course it's possible to meet a great Argentinian guy. You have to be social, put yourself out there, take risks, and be able to laugh at yourself and see it all as a big adventure. And like anywhere else in the world (and more if you're not too familiar with the language/customs), you have to be on the lookout for bullshitters.

I met my boyfriend after about 3 months in Argentina, in a university class, and after not a little experience with annoying asshole-type guys (in Argentina and the U.S both), I realized how amazing and special he was. Now we've been together for almost two years, and this is the most trusting, drama-free relationship I've had in my life.

So the point is, it's about finding your match, the person who's right for you, regardless of the random cultural generalizations of strangers. There are a million different ways to meet people. I would just have fun with it, take care of yourself, and do what feels right.
I think THE woman in BA are much more macho then THE men

And this is à generalisation, but very very true