Day traders in BA?

Not quite sure I understand the PC to Alamo reference but my "shop" stays in my apartment. I would be devastated if I accidentally spilled a pint of wretched Quilmes on my laptop. I would love to join you folks. I'm not a daytrader unless volatility is sky high but I do trade for a living. [email protected]. Art
I used to be quite active in trading stocks while back. Now here and there.
let me know when you arrive and we have a beer.
I traded my future and lost-----i moved here!

And if you did not those pirates (ups, sorry) traders moving around MBS (mortgage-backed securities) did it for you!
So I'll be to BA next weekend... where's a good place for some traders to meet up? Shoot me a message or something...
Well, I just got in town today... PM me or skype me at chrisdunndtp if anybody wants to meet up!
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