Death In The Streets: Venezuela Has Descended Into Chaos

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Jul 27, 2006
It's getting worse in Venezuela...much worse than landlords being forced to sell properties leased for twenty years to their tenants.

This was published today:

"Death in the streets, rationing by fingerprints and a general on the run: how oil-rich Venezuela has descended into chaos"


Blame it all on 21st century socialism.

This was posted to the web late last November:

Venezuela: a shining example of how not to help the poor"


The big question now is, could what is happening now in Venezuela also happen in Argentina?

This was published six weeks ago:

"Argentina and Brazil Preparing For Venezuela Spillover"
Socialism always leads to the same place.

But then so does any ...ism you care to name.
Its just a matter of time.
It's getting worse in Venezuela...much worse than landlords being forced to sell properties leased for twenty years to their tenants.

This was published today:

"Death in the streets, rationing by fingerprints and a general on the run: how oil-rich Venezuela has descended into chaos"


Blame it all on 21st century socialism.

This was posted to the web late last November:

Venezuela: a shining example of how not to help the poor"


The big question now is, could what is happening now in Venezuela also happen in Argentina?

This was published six weeks ago:

"Argentina and Brazil Preparing For Venezuela Spillover"

Steve sticks with his straw man.
I had a hunch that you would jump in with something personal rather than address the issues in the links or dispute the facts.

This time you may have set a new speed record: 13 minutes.

(I'll have to check.)

The "S word" is, invariably, your default option.
Venezuela is a socialist country just like the USSR right?

I always get a chuckle from those who talk out their ass.

Just because a country has a couple socialist policies does not make it so. Socialism is about equality and I don't think I have to tell you the Venezuela is one of the most on equal nations on Earth.

According to this logic the United States is a communist dictatorship because we have universal k-12 education and we spy on our citizens.

Lastly, the telegraph? Come on, at least use a news organization to back up your claims, not the uk's fox...
Actually, it's the "C" word and it doesn't stand for communism.

I am no socialist, but Socialism has a long, mostly honorable history. Aynism has a short, disreputable and mostly vicious history of blaming the victim.
Venezuela is a socialist country just like the USSR right?

I always get a chuckle from those who talk out their ass.

Just because a country has a couple socialist policies does not make it so. Socialism is about equality and I don't think I have to tell you the Venezuela is one of the most on equal nations on Earth.

Here is an example of how equality is achieved in Venezuela (posted by an Argentine living in Ireland):

"Venezuela: People “marked” like Animals to get Food"


Can you think of any other country where people were tattooed with numbers on their arms by the government?

I also read there is a shortage of toilet paper in Venezuela:


Does anyone think that those in power are wiping without it?
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