Democrats Abroad In Argentina For Bernie Sanders

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Janis -

I want to say a few things about Donald Trump and specifically about his comments tonight that we should ban all Muslims from coming to the United States, even American Muslims returning home from overseas.

It's fun for the political media to treat Donald Trump like he's the lead character in a soap opera or the star player on a baseball team. But the truth is his language is dangerous, especially as it empowers his supporters to act out against Muslims, Latinos, and African-Americans.

Poll after poll shows that I am the candidate best suited to take on Donald Trump and every other Republican running for president.

Help me show the best of America -- not the worst that Trump exemplifies. Help us win.

Donate $50 to our campaign now to condemn Donald Trump's hate and racism.

The United States is a great nation when we stand together, but we are weak when we allow racism and xenophobia to divide us. So let's send a message that we stand together.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
Dear Janis,

I've always been interested in media and have always been concerned that corporate media doesn't really educate people in this country. They refuse to talk about the serious issues facing our country.

That’s why I wasn’t surprised yesterday when I saw this headline: “Report: ABC World News Tonight Has Devoted 81 Minutes To Trump, One Minute To Sanders.”

It’s no shock to me that big networks, which are controlled by a handful of large corporations, have barely discussed our campaign and the important issues we are bringing up. They’re just too busy covering Donald Trump.

We can’t allow the corporate media to set the agenda. We have got to get the real issues out there. And that’s why I’m asking you to join me in a major petition to the big networks.

Add your name to our petition to tell ABC, NBC and CBS to cover our campaign — and more importantly to cover the issues we are bringing up.

This is what the corporate media is all about: more Americans support our campaign than Trump’s according to recent polls, but still ABC’s news program has spent 81 minutes on Trump and only 20 seconds talking about us. NBC Nightly News only spent 2.9 minutes covering our campaign. CBS? They spent six minutes.

The point is: our political revolution certainly will not be televised. It’s more important than ever for us to hold the large corporations that control the media accountable.

Please sign our petition to tell the big networks to put aside their corporate interests and allow for a free and fair debate in this presidential campaign.

I know we can win this fight if we all work to get the message out there.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
Bernie's complete statement on CLIMATE CHANGE
Why Bernie can't win:
Hola Chicos,

I'm from NYC, currently staying in Buenos Aires. I'm looking for information on voting in the 2016 Primaries.

@Jantango, I saw your helpful post in the neighboring thread about voting in the primaries. Do I have to wait until January 2016 to apply for an absentee ballot? It's unlikely that I'll be in NYC between now and the primaries. Do I need to hand in the request in person? If I mail it, what are the chances of it getting lost?

Thanks and all the best,
Hola Chicos,

I'm from NYC, currently staying in Buenos Aires. I'm looking for information on voting in the 2016 Primaries.

@Jantango, I saw your helpful post in the neighboring thread about voting in the primaries. Do I have to wait until January 2016 to apply for an absentee ballot? It's unlikely that I'll be in NYC between now and the primaries. Do I need to hand in the request in person? If I mail it, what are the chances of it getting lost?

Thanks and all the best,

US Citizens living abroad must file the FPCA annually in order to vote in the current year elections. The FPCA must be posted marked after January 4, 2016, to vote in the 2016 primary and general elections. You can either FAX or mail the signed form with request for absentee ballots.

Everything is explained at this site:
Janis -

I wanted to share a few of the stories from people who contributed yesterday in the hopes it would inspire you to do the same today.

“I donate a small amount every month to Bernie, but knowing that he's set this goal I wanted to donate a little more. He's the only candidate that I feel really represents the people. He's out here earning his support from the regular people of the United States. He's the only one who isn't being bought and sold by big corporations. And his political views and ways of running his campaigns aren't something new that he's doing just to woo voters, he has a long history of standing up for what is right (even if it was unpopular at the time).” - Bailey from Oregon

Yesterday alone, over 25,000 people contributed to say they’ve had ENOUGH of the billionaire class buying our elections and our democracy. With just two weeks to go before our final FEC deadline of the year, Bernie really needs you to add yours today.

Mick from West Virginia:

"I am a middle class union electrician, temporarily disabled from a workplace accident. I am so sick of watching every dime I make go to survival, unable to save for the future while the rich and CEOs are making record profits on my back. Bernie Sanders is the only politician I've been excited about and trust for years. If I had more to help this movement, I'd give more!”

Katie from Washington, D.C.:

“I am a mother, wife and own my own business. I've enjoyed the freedom to pursue my dreams and I want to live in an America where others who don't have the advantages I did have an equal chance to succeed and pursue their dreams as well. I want to see more early childhood education, ample paid family leave, good schools and affordable or free college education. I want corporate interests out of politics. I want to work toward a healthier planet. I want sanity in our foreign policy. I see my values reflected in Bernie Sanders and his vision for America. I'm proud to support him for president.”

Ana from California:

“I came to this country as an international student from Brazil. I was 25 and my son was 8. Today my son and I are American citizens. I have a graduate degree and my son is applying for his graduate degree. We earned it with a lot of courage, hard work and integrity. We support Bernie for his same values, courage, hard work and integrity. We believe that he is the only candidate that can put us back on track.”

Join Katie, Bailey and Ana and make your contribution to help our campaign reach its goal of 2 million individual contributions by midnight tomorrow.

Ellen from New York summed it up nicely with her contribution: “I'm tired of being told by fellow Democrats that Bernie can't win.”

Like Bernie says, when people stand together, there is no limit to what we can together. And that includes winning the Democratic primary, the general election, and ushering in a political revolution that will take our country back from the billionaire class.

In solidarity,

Jeff Weaver
Campaign Manager
Bernie 2016
Janis -

When we started our campaign together, much of the corporate-owned media wrote us off. They said we had no chance, that we couldn’t win, that victory was impossible.

Since then we’ve demonstrated the strength of our political revolution: we’ve risen in the polls, drawn the largest crowds and volunteer base of any campaign, and last quarter raised more money than every Republican and almost as much as Hillary Clinton.

But our movement isn’t about how much money we raise, it’s about how many times individuals have stepped up to contribute to our campaign. I can't thank you enough for having already made a contribution for this push — but right now, we’re just short of reaching our historic goal of two million individual contributions by midnight tonight.

Make a $50 contribution today and send an unmistakable message that the American people have had ENOUGH of the billionaire class buying our elections.

When people look at this accomplishment, I want them to see every single contribution as a declaration of support for the values we share. Please help us reach our goal.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

During the debate last night, I was asked if corporations would like President Sanders. I think it's safe to say they won't. Wall Street will like me even less.

That's because our country has a rigged economy held in place by a corrupt system of campaign finance, and we must put an end to that.

I can't take on the billionaire class alone. I need you to stand with me tonight. So I am asking you directly:

Make a contribution to our political revolution that will win the Democratic nomination, the White House, and take back our country from the billionaire class.

I'm running for president because the middle class is disappearing and more than half of new income is going to the top 1 percent.

I'm running for president because it is harder than ever for students to pay for college and for working parents to afford daycare.

I'm running for president because a handful of billionaires and wealthy families are trying to buy elections just to make themselves richer.

We can't rely on the political establishment to do the work for us. We can't rely on the corporate-owned media to get out our message about it. We need a political revolution to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, and we need to build that ourselves.

Make a contribution to our campaign to send a message to Wall Street and the rest of the billionaire class that you want to see a President Sanders.

We are doing something unprecedented, and that has a lot of people scared. I am glad to have you on our side.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders
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