Dentist recommendation

eschal said:
Can anyone recommend a good cheep Dentist? I don't have health insurance here and am in need of a cleaning and probably have a cavity. thanks

The last time I had a cleaning, it was about AR$200 without insurance. Maybe less, maybe about that.

What is "cheap"?

In the States, a cleaning in Dallas is ~US$125-US$150.

So I would consider AR$200 (or even if it's gone up to AR$250) fairly cheap. Especially compared to waiting until that cavity needs a root canal (which was AR$500 in cash last year, but probably at least AR$600 this year... but at a specialist's place) from one doctor and then a dental appointment back at Drs. Pettiti office to get that hole plugged in.

I would focus on getting a cleaning if you're inclined to drag your feet and not end up getting one before the end of the year.
I suggest you try Dr. Di Salvo, Arenales 1630, 2nd floor D, Phone: 4811-2687
After reading the raves about this lady I'd like to give her a try. I can't seem to find her on the net though. Can someone post her office info or contact info?
mllefly said:
After reading the raves about this lady I'd like to give her a try. I can't seem to find her on the net though. Can someone post her office info or contact info?

Dres. Pettiti (Bettina & her brother)
Av. Cordoba 1364, Piso 2, "A"
On Córdoba b/n Talcuhuano & Uruguay (Tribunales subte stop)
Phone: 4371.6758

Her receptionist doesn't speak English, but Bettina studied in the states in both LA & NYC. Actually, her normal receptionist is out on maternity leave and I'm not sure about the English of her replacement. The replacement is mid-20s, so she's probably had some English. She probably understands more than she can speak, so you should be able to communicate without too much difficulty.

Just remember: "appointment" = "turno", not "cita"

Bettina's brother's English isn't like Bettina's, but he's a good dentist as well. A good friend goes to him. My friend's Argentine and we didn't even know that we were going to the same office until about 4 or 5 appointments in.
Do any dentists see patients in the guardia or is it necessary to make an appointment?