Depressed That Your Friends Have No Money?


Mar 25, 2007
Do you ever get depressed that your Argentine friends have no money to do anything - travel, eat in a nice restaurant etc? Or maybe you are the same situation? Do the economic limitations of the people around you affect your quality of life?
Is this an infomercial? :)

I don't think I have friends who fall into that category and my quality of life isn't affected by economic situations. I've been extremely happy with lots of money and extremely happy with no money. What money my friends have or don't have isn't a concern of mine - unless they really need help.
I have friends who work for the government. They seem to have enough money to travel around the world. It was a tour of western Europe this year, Peru last year and Mexico the year before. That doesn't include the small Argentine holidays or the weekend they spent in New York previously.

I don't really discuss politics with them for obvious reasons, so I have no Idea how easy it was for them to get the money.

I should add none of them have a family to support etc. Still they seem to be on holiday a lot more than my Uk friends.
They must be very high level employees to be able to afford Europe.
When my friends have less money I usually invite, they then reciprocate when they are in a better situation and I struggle. but I am talking about close friends and not acquaintances. There has been times though when we were both in a not so great money situation and we basically figure out how to still have fun with little to no $