Did Cfk Graduate From University?

Ariel, Isn't the Universidad Catolica considered very good in law nowadays?
As for Cristina, she probably didn't receive a degree. I believe a lot of members of Congress do not have degrees, apparently even some ambassadors.
To go to clases was the best way to get killed during the middle 70'. That's why it is common to that generation to do not finish the degree. My uncle is the best enginer on his field but he doesn t got the title. My former father in law also but regarding the oil industry. Both of them are called when the enginiers cannot solve a problem.
The same story about my parents.
I wouldn t be surprise if She doesn t have the title.

HOWEVER, the journalist is not been honest. During those days there was siege State and meetings over 3 people were forbidden. So, there were no public ceremonies specially at Universities. Remember that for the military educated people meant terrorist.

Ok, got that. However, she is claiming that she is a licensed lawyer. How else was she able to make all the money she has now? And one can't get into law school without a university degree, correct? Did she complete law school?

It seems that the Universities would acknowledge those difficult years and retroactively bestow a degree to those who actually completed the work.
google UBA + Nobel Prizes and then compare to ANY private school, in Argentina or Latin America.
The first private university in Argentina was UCA founded in the 50' (private University was almost inexistent at that time), and the quantity of students was too low compared to a public University. Just in the last 10 years the number of students has been increasing at private Universities because of affordable costs and its quality. Argentina should have more Nobel prizes specially in the last few years. If I am not wrong, the last Nobel prize was for Cesar Milstein in 1984 (almost 31 years ago during Alfonsin government) and it seems he had a high foreign influence.

Mr. Salsa Golf has a Nobel and he spent tons of time outside of Argentina.

Comparing 5 Nobels from a massive educational institution to 0 from a minuscule private institution alumni base with limited funds is not even relevant.

Christina is a lying fraud who has continued her husband's practice of robbing from the State and exacting revenge like a mob boss. A blood clot during her next elective surgery wouldn't be the worst thing to ever happen to this country.
Ok, got that. However, she is claiming that she is a licensed lawyer. How else was she able to make all the money she has now? And one can't get into law school without a university degree, correct? Did she complete law school?

It seems that the Universities would acknowledge those difficult years and retroactively bestow a degree to those who actually completed the work.

It doesn't work like that in Argentina. It's not like the US system. In Argentina you enter university and immediately start studying law (In UBA you do a one year Basic Course before you start your specialization). In the US you have four years of liberal arts leading to a BA degree. After that you go to law school. In Argentina there is no liberal arts system as in the US. You go from high school to university and finish your law degree in four years if you are at a private university or five years if at UBA. If Cristina did not get a law degree (likely) she did not get ANY degree. As for making vast amounts of money as a lawyer, it just isn't like the US. There aren't that many top law firms and they don't earn the kind of money you can get at major law firms in the US. I doubt that there are any lawyers who command the huge fees top lawyers can get in the US. Most lawyers make modest amounts of money, many barely get by.
I doubt that there are any lawyers who command the huge fees top lawyers can get in the US. Most lawyers make modest amounts of money, many barely get by.

Thanks for the clarification. I'm still confused about CFK, though. If she doesn't have a law degree and / or hasn't practiced law then ... how ... did ... she ... make ... all ... that ... money? I just can't figure it out. 2+2 really never equals U$23.5 million. :huh:
Thanks for the clarification. I'm still confused about CFK, though. If she doesn't have a law degree and / or hasn't practiced law then ... how ... did ... she ... make ... all ... that ... money? I just can't figure it out. 2+2 really never equals U$23.5 million. :huh:

Since la reina abeja doesn't actually live in any real world, I'm pretty sure that 2&2 can equal whatever amount she desires, including U$23.5 million, if not more. It's the INDEC methodology.
We expats complaining about CFK getting rich though "whatever" means is like people complaining about there being too many guns in the US. It isn't going to change anything.
Thanks for the clarification. I'm still confused about CFK, though. If she doesn't have a law degree and / or hasn't practiced law then ... how ... did ... she ... make ... all ... that ... money? I just can't figure it out. 2+2 really never equals U$23.5 million. :huh:

Surely you are kidding? HOW did she and Nestor make it? ja ja ja ........Are you new to Argentina?