Did Milei just lift Argentina out of recession?

Go easy on the guy, Red. Remember, he's been dead now for nearly thirty years.
At first, I wondered- what, were Charles Ponzi and Bernie Madoff already taken as fake internet names?

But then, I realized, if you are a big Milei fan, Rothbard is a somewhat appropriate choice.
Like Milei, the real Rothbard never had a real job that was not being a court jester and trained monkey for the ultrawealthy.
Rothbard was always given money to espouse freedom for billionaires to not pay taxes- first, for decades, by the Volker Fund, which was the private propaganda machine of a guy who inherited millions.
Then, at the Cato Institute, another propaganda machine funded by the Koch brothers, who, again, inherited millions, if not billions.
He did teach for a while- at an seat at UNLV endowed by another rich guy who didnt want to pay taxes. He would not have been hired except the endowed position was basically created for him.
His books were all published by vanity presses funded by- you guessed it- rich guys who inherited millions.

Rothbard, like Milei, never actually started a business, paid employees, or functioned in the actual capitalist system- he just made up ways to break things, with theories that have been proven to fail every time they were actually implemented, world wide.

I dont infer the mystery poster is like that- only that his choice of a racist, sexist grifter who was only able to survive by fawning over the rich, is an odd choice of identies to embrace. Rothbard was a horrible thinker, and no Argentine I know would want to live in the world he proposed. Rothbard, for example, thought allowing women to vote was wrong.

I will give it to Milei, that Rothbard realized that Libertarianism had no chance of actually succeeding, but writing about how great it would be if it did gave him a meal ticket for life. Unlike Milei, he never ran for office. Milei actually took the leap. My guess is that it wont work out as well for him as it did for Rothbard in the long run.
It's unlikely that a single sector like agriculture produced an outcome that drives GDP to such a large extent. It's only around 15% of the economy in Argentina.

It will be interesting to see whether the next monthly statistic shows growth too (as is likely). If so that will provide confirmation. Right now it's just a single data point.

By the way what about the fact inflation has been going down on a monthly basis (from memory, with the exception of one month)? Is that propaganda too?
Inflation rose last month