Diversity! Go Argentina!


Aug 6, 2010

You can change the query to see different stats. Couldn't tell you about the data collection methods/techniques, but we don't have to get into that!

Argentina is certainly up there for most accepting of diversity (and Canada! :cool: )

The usual suspects are down at the far end ... Some surprises though, Hong Kong? Wouldn't have guessed. Funny how over 80% of them wouldn't live next to a person of a different race (or want to), yet 80% wouldn't have a problem with living next to a drug addict?! :eek:

Would have enjoyed to see Japan somewhere on that list ...
I think in most Western societies many people would not really speak their minds about a lot of these questions, especially race. In some parts of the world people are more outspoken about being discriminatory, and I think this is where the high figures for Hong Kong comes in. I think the only reason Thailand came in as low as it did was because they were being polite to the pollsters.
Malaysia is app. 63% ethnic Malay, the rest of foreign descent, interesting how their numbers came out ;)
davonz said:
The big surprise for me is australia !

Really? Even before I started traveling my impression of Australians was that they are a progressive, open, tolerant, and welcoming people. This has been confirmed from meeting many of them inside and outside of Australia.

What's your impression of them?
benderino said:
Really? Even before I started traveling my impression of Australians was that they are a progressive, open, tolerant, and welcoming people.

Ask the Aborigines and southeast Asian immigrants that question. They might have a slightly different take. Seems to be a budding backlash against the latter.
The usual suspects are down at the far end ... Some surprises though, Hong Kong? Wouldn't have guessed. Funny how over 80% of them wouldn't live next to a person of a different race (or want to), yet 80% wouldn't have a problem with living next to a drug addict?! :eek:

Would have enjoyed to see Japan somewhere on that list ...[/quote]

Japan is historically not very accepting of others unfortunately -- you should read about the high rate of suicides of Brazilian-Japanese who go back there only to be shocked to find open racism against them...

Also I do have to question Argentina's position, since there really is quite a bit of open hostility towards the Asians living here, and if you've ever watched any of the discussion/open forum shows on the news where new immigrants speak of their experiences, black africans and brazilians who have moved here have less than glowing stories of their treatment...
Although I should add... if you ever read the comments section of the Globe and Mail for any article on immigration, the number of racist comments that come out of the woodwork is truly terrifying... and in some ways probably gives a more accurate view of what people think -- generally in metropolitan areas people are always more open (goes for Canada and any other country really) -- whereas in the smaller towns, the same cannot be said.
I wish there was an article attached to the survey to know which questions were asked. I personally would not want to live next to drug addicts because I don't want dealers next to where I live and the same goes with heavy drinkers, I don't to have to knock on someones door at 3am on a Tuesday because their music is too loud. Those decisions have nothing to do with biases or any sort of race related issue, its safety or comfort. I am sure that was on the some of the minds of the people who took the survey as well. Not too mention Homosexuality is illegal in some of those countries, so it may not be issue of morals but a fear of prosecution as a conspirator.
@syngirl I think that is a perfect example of the trouble with surveys and the anonymity of the internet. People don't want to or are afraid to tell a surveyor/fill out a paper that they think can be tied back to them for their views. The internet can provide that secrecy. As well as people who intend to provoke just for the hell of it.
It seems the chart is incorrect when reading the comments on the CA page.
Data for HK has been inverted (drug addicts)

Results are indeed surprising (France : the least tolerant in Europe?! Behind Serbia, 4 times more intolerant than Switzerland?).

In fact, I've been on the WVS website, reading the exact questions asked to Americans and to French people (to compare how the questions are asked) :
- US survey : "that you would not like to have as neighbors"
- French survey : "qui ne vous dérangeraient pas d'avoir comme voisins" (that you would mind/wouldn't mind to have as neighbors)

To like/dislike is stronger than mind/not mind!

So, it's really not comparable (can't imagine in other languages what it gives).

Strangely too, while the WVS is based in Sweden, who ranks first in many of those surveys? Sweden (Swedish are indeed great people but well, it seems a bit suspect)!

Last, this survey doesn't reflect how diversity is actually practiced into those countries : some people in very welcoming countries, crowded with immigrants, might tend to answer they don't like foreign people while more hermetic countries could seem to be more opened.

I don't know if that was the intent of WVS though to compare the data in-between countries (you can't compare when questions are not strictly the same!)

Reading this survey it would seem that France is hostile to diversity when actually it's the country in Europe where the most Muslims and Jews live, where there is a very strong Sub-saharian population, and so on!