DNI - which country for background check?


Nov 25, 2019
I'm a dual Australian-US citizen, born in Australia. I want to get a DNI here and am going to file with my Australian papers because I can get them apostilled at the Australian embassy and avoid the crazy US apostille process. The only problem is the background check. I lived in the USA before coming here, not Australia. I'd prefer to get the background check from Australia because it's so easy to obtain and is all online - will I squeak by with it, or will Migraciones want a background check from the USA as I lived there most of my life?
IIRC you're supposed to include a background check for each country you've lived in for like 6 months or more in the last 3 years (don't quote me), but I also know they only generally care about your country of birth, even if you haven't lived there in years. I remember this being a thing for someone from Europe who was born in a different country in the EU than where they had been living in for like the past 20 years, but Argentina was like "Nope, you need a background check from [birth country]".

As for dual citizens, don't ask/don't tell is probably the best approach. I personally hadn't been to one of my countries of citizenship in 4 years as I had been living here when applying for my Argentine citizenship, and they still wanted a background check from there, though this was for nationalizing as an Argentine citizen.

Your best bet is probably just to do everything as an Australian.