DNI with rentista visa


Jul 20, 2009
Has anyone obtained a DNI with a embassy given rentista visa.

I have just got a new rentista visa, obtained it in NZ at arg embassy. The consul advised me to get the DNI as it will help when/if i apply for permanent residency.

I have a white envolope with from embassy with "con destino a la oficina seccional identificatoria" typed on it which i think is for this.

Has anyone recently done this or knows the process i have to go through.

I have read alot of threads on here about DNI's, but no mention of the envolope !!
I remember some time ago you were trying to renew your visa at migraciones but were having difficulties.

Did you manage to renew?

You must have a current resident visa to apply for the DNI.

You should have a DNI even if your residency is temporary and even if you don't plan to change to permanent in the future.

If your temporary visa is current just make a turno on line for the "DNI extranjeros" on the migraciones website and go.

You will need two photos (not sure if a white background is now required instead of blue).

You may need the certificate from migraciones (less than 60 days old) even though the folks processing your DNI can see your resident status in their computers.

They also require a certificado de domicilio less that 60 days old.
I remember some time ago you were trying to renew your visa at migraciones but were having difficulties.
Yes i got a new visa, got it last visit back home, was a hell of a lot easier than trying to do it here.. The consul in NZ said there were problems because of the law changes last year, and no one knowing what they were doing or how to implement the require law changes !!!
Hopefully that has changed now..

As for getting now, there is a fee of US$300 that you pay when you enter ARG the first time on the rentista - it use to be free..

So i dont need to do anything else ? No need to get the cops to come arround and verify my address ?
Here's excactly what you need to have to:

Obtener el DNI para ciudadanos extranjeros que ingresen al país con SOBRE CONSULAR (otorgado por el Sr. Cónsul Argentino en país de origen).

Qué documentación se debe presentar. Requisitos:

1.- Sobre Consular. (THE envelope)

2.- Pasaporte y fotocopia completa del mismo, datos personales, visa consular; sello de ingreso al país. Passport with photocopies of all pages.

3.- Certificado de Domicilio expedido por autoridad policial competente (en Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Policía Federal Argentina) o comprobante que acredite domicilio (boleta de luz, gas, teléfono, resumen tarjeta de crédito a su nombre). En provincia de Buenos Aires los certificados de domicilio los emiten los Registros Civiles.

If you have a gas, telephone, electric bill, or credit card summary in your name you do NOT have to get a certificado de domicilio (wait for the police).

4.- Dos fotos actualizadas 4x4, ¾ perfil derecho con fondo celeste. La foto debe ser en papel fotográfico y no en papel de computadora. Las fotos para todos los trámites serán tomadas sin costo adicional en las Sedes de la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones.

Two 4x4 cm photos with a blue background. (At the kiosko or photo shop just ask for fotos DNI.)
Actually, I didn't need the photos because they took them on the spot when I got up to the counter. I had read this somewhere on the government website and it proved to be correct, but I can't point you to exactly where I found the info.
florence said:
Actually, I didn't need the photos because they took them on the spot when I got up to the counter. I had read this somewhere on the government website and it proved to be correct, but I can't point you to exactly where I found the info.

Can you please tell me exactly where you went. I am trying to book a turno online, and there are so many locations, and when i select:


Tipo de Trámite: DNI y/o Pasaporte Especial Extranjeros
Provincia: Buenos Aires
location: billinghurst

click on continuar

Then it asks:

Tiene residencia permanente otorgada por la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones? Si / No.

I select no, and its back to the beginning.. should i select si.. even if i dont have perminent residency yet ?

Should i select el retiro for the location, instead of an office close to me ?

I have a "constancia de solicitud de tramite para documento nacionl de identidad" from the embassy already..

I know from experience that foreigners without a DNI must apply for one at the office of migraciones in Retiro (Sede Central - Av. Antártida Argentina 1355 - Edificio 4). I actually asked at the Billinghurst office when I was living in Palermo. They told me that they cannot do anything for a foreigner without permanent residency.

When you got to the page in the above link did you click on DNI exranjeros in the gray column on the left?

Try that and be sure you are only asking for the DNI extranjero...not a pasaporte or DNI with Cedula.
its the same wherever you select the turno from..

i also tried:


it asks the same questions:

Tiene residencia permanente otorgada por la Dirección Nacional de Migraciones? Si / No.

anyways its confusing, and i have an appointment for 29/11, however i am in colombia then, so will rebook when i am away to get an apointment a week or 2 after i return in new year.

I was advised by the consul in the arg embassy in NZ to make an appointment even if i couldnt make it so i was in their system at least.