Do Casey Wonder's Parents Post Here?

Funny, yes ... but also a bit unfair. At 11, this boy has plenty of time to examine and consider ideological alternatives before his first run for office. Personally I think it's terrific that he's shown such an interest at an age when the intellectual curiosity of most of his peers does not go much beyond video games and their worldview extends only as far as their family and immediate circumstances.

Meanwhile, Lanata's comments ["Go to Disneyland, you are just an 11 year-old with a PlayStation."] were purely churlish. I detected a strong echo of the frequent admonishment of past generations for women to "get back to the kitchen".

You ll see, there is practically not a single kid from his age able to say waht he say. Its like the left in the wide sense of the term, and that includes Kirchnerismo, has the monopoly of thinking at that age -and at almost all ages (the right in this country lacks of intellectuals). So at that age, the thinkers are only from a very singular political ideology, the rest as you said are with the video games (not forget that that is also an ideology).
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