Do the Chinese send their junk to Argentina?


Mar 25, 2007
It seems to me that the quality of Chinese exports to Argentina is poor compared to what is sent to the US. Is this just my imagination?
It could well be. Same with the cigarettes for instance : compare a Marlboro (open the cigarette and look at the tobacco inside) from the US or from France & an Argentinean one.
Yes, they don't really have too many Chinese things here, in Europe we are surrounded and outnumbered by Chinese goods. I was talking to a Spanish friend yesterday and he told me that he bought some Chinese stuff from this website:
They deliver for free in Europe (even if you purchase a 2-dollar-product!), so they might as well do it in Argentina (you never know what happens when the parcel reaches customs here, but if you really want to buy a fabulous Chinese present for xmas you can give it a go!). Funny thing: I was browsing the site yesterday and found out that they sell those rubber balance wristbands for 2 dollars that you can "conveniently" purchase for 100 pesos here! What a bargain...
I have no clue, I haven't tried the site myself, my friend gave me the URL yesterday, but I haven't gone thru the shipping info yet!
If it's not registered, I'll abandon ship then unless somebody knows the ropes.
The reason why the chinese exports to argentina are of lower quality than those to the united states is the following:

Chinese exports to the united states were for years paid in US Bonds.
The Federal Reserve can print these out of thin air with near 0 cost and receive the goods.

The volume of purchase from the US are huge anfd this gives the opportunity of better prices and goods made specially for american corporations Example Walmart or Nike

Argentina has to pay in dollars for the imports, which means that argentina has to work for the moneypaid, argentina does not have the printing machine to give the chinese worthless US Bonds.

The argentine market is small so it cant "hire" complete factories for especial productions which tend to be of higher quality.

I hope this clarifies in general terms the reasons for the difference in quality.
sergio said:
It seems to me that the quality of Chinese exports to Argentina is poor compared to what is sent to the US. Is this just my imagination?

No, you are right.
Second quality comes to south america, not only chinese exports. How do you explain that we have almost the same prices in computers when they pay a lot of taxes? They are cheaper, RMA (failed or repaired).