Does anybody know someone who day trades in Argentina?

I think your passport should do. But maybe the dl to prove you’re a resident somewhere. I moved my license to canada but maybe Cali will reissue.
I think your passport should do. But maybe the dl to prove you’re a resident somewhere. I moved my license to canada but maybe Cali will reissue.
I went through this recently. The VPM required a state photo id. In order to get my Illinois dl renewed I needed proof of my SS# and a utility bill. It all became very complicated because I haven't kept my documents up to date.
Please don't be offended, but based on the fact that you can't afford medical insurance here, it seems that your extensive knowledge of trading hasn't brought you many benefits in life.
It seems to be a rather expensive vice for some people.
Please don't be offended, but based on the fact that you can't afford medical insurance here, it seems that your extensive knowledge of trading hasn't brought you many benefits in life.
next time you want start a sentence this way, perhaps instead just stop talking
next time you want start a sentence this way, perhaps instead just stop talking
it's an extremely damaging addiction for certain people, and sometimes they need to hear it before they blow all their money and end up living under a freeway overpass.
it's an extremely damaging addiction for certain people, and sometimes they need to hear it before they blow all their money and end up living under a freeway overpass.
I met two women over the years that were financially ruined by day trading. Both were very bright, recently widowed and struggling to learn how to manage the money their husbands left them when they got hooked on day trading.
next time you want start a sentence this way, perhaps instead just stop talking

Sorry, but when someone claims, 'I know more about trading than everyone here,'I expect his extraordinary abilities to translate directly into his financial success. Therefore, a simple fact check to verify this claim is justified. Can I start my sentence with 'Sorry,' or do I also need your permission for that?

Regarding the original question, the discussion somehow devolved into issues concerning having a residential address and difficulties with SMS verification.

I think there are two approaches. The simplest one would be for him to continue doing what he is doing and to transfer money for everyday expenses here, for example, by Western Union.

If he wants to pursue residency as a trader, I think the way to go is to open a company in his home country, trade from a company account, and have the company to actually pay him a salary. This approach is something that immigration authorities can easily understand. Now, this presents a similar situation to the common scenario of a person earning money abroad and needing to properly declare it in this country.

And by the way, I find the idea of transferring his main trading account here absolutely ridiculous, unless he is planning to trade mostly Argentinean stocks or bonds.
Hey man I’m a professional trader too, I manage many funded accounts and a few algos. I’ll be moving to Buenos Aires in 3 months and I’m looking for traders community. send me an email, maybe there’s more people that trade professionally in Buenos Aires.
Hey man I’m a professional trader too, I manage many funded accounts and a few algos. I’ll be moving to Buenos Aires in 3 months and I’m looking for traders community. send me an email, maybe there’s more people that trade professionally in Buenos Aires.
well you probably won't find many geniuses on this site to bump heads with....on the other hand....look where the leaders for the year are from! And where the champ for last year is from. It ain't all just empanadas y'know.

Did you finally manage to set up your account in Argentina? Are you buying BTC now?