If there is a devaluation of the peso, i dont understand why people think it is going to hurt the locals or argentina.
So what happens:
Imports become more expensive - is this a bad thing for industry argentina ?.
Food - argentina produces much of what it eats, so they shouldnt increase in value to much. There will be some increase, as machinery (tractors etc) will go up in price, and maybe fuel will increase (i dont know how much fuel if any argentina imports). But because wages are in pesos and is a big cost to farming, food prices should be stable.
Cars, whiteware, electronics - as most are made in argentina, and due to import restrictions, they shouldnt increase in price to much. If they are made from imported parts this will effect the cost of production, but the wage costs, factory rentals, transport cost inside argentina will stay the same, or should stay pretty much the same.
Houses/Property - this is the big one, because they are in US$. So existing housing stock will become more expensive in peso's. However, construction costs in peso's shouldnt change much either, as most items used for construction here are locally made, and so new buildings shouldnt increase in price to much. This would have an effect of existing housing prices - making them drop in price maybe and to become more affordable.
Travel - this will be more expensive for overseas trips, but will also make argentine destinations more attactive to locals. However argentina will became a cheaper destination for foreigners, so a boost of tourists.
There is one winner in the devaluation game - exports. Argentina exports will stay the same in US$ terms (unless global commodities fall in price) and when those US$ are converted back to pesos they are worth more in pesos. If wages and other local imput/fixed cost stay the same, the export businesses should benefit, as would the tax man/gov.
The biggest problem i see if there is a devaluation is the reactions of the locals - saying, well the peso has dropped so we better put the price up, which will exacerbate the inflation problem.