Dollar Up

Hey Rich, Where was that picture taken? My guy that is usually .2 less than Venta was .4 less yesterday.

Hey Rich, Where was that picture taken? My guy that is usually .2 less than Venta was .4 less yesterday.


Tom , Can`t remember which page was copied from. Is valid only for the Moment it was taken...!
Ceviche- cuevas giving out 18.90 though published blue market rate is 19.2. is it normal?

The "blue rate" as reported by such sources as is a discretionary figure. Cuevas offer the sellers of dollars what the market can bear on a daily/hourly basis. It depends as well on the amount one is willing to sell. Example....better rate for higher sum of dollars.
Dollar Blue 12/5

$19,100 COMPRA
$19,500 VENTA
05/01/2018 - 12:28

Dólar Blue: Compra $19.53 Venta $20.08
24/01/2018 - 16:05 (Oficial: 19.930)
Google Translate.....
Jan 24, 2018

....There was no intervention of the Central......
....Yesterday, the Central Bank reduced the benchmark rate again and in this case it did so at 75 basis points to leave it at 27.25%, a decision that made it less attractive to invest in pesos......

Jan 25, 2018
Futures market negotiates dollar contracts at $ 23 by the end of the year.
According to hedging operations carried out, in May it will exceed $ 21 and in September $ 22.
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