Thank you all for the information! I actually had a far less overwhelming leather shopping experience yesterday.
Look (not to set myself up as someone who knows something, because I don't) but I think it's safe to say that Argentina is not all good and it is not all bad. It, like everything else, is in the middle so I don't really see the point about fighting about it. On the other hand, this is a forum for expats. We have lived all our lives in another (often far wealthier) country, so it is pretty natural that we should notice things that are different here and miss things about our native country. I also think that a forum for expats is a natural place to express these feelings. Some people are better than others at adjusting to new cultures, and the quicker ones might try to be more tolerant of the slower ones. I think very personal attacks launched against people who say anything approaching negative about Buenos Aires are not useful.
That being said, I would just like to point out that I made an eye doctor's appointment at a great BsAs hospital in January for which I will pay U$S 22 (would have cost over $300 in the US), and I fully plan to take the bus there, costing me U$S 0.25 ($2.00 in NYC). There was a reason we moved here and we can all move back if we choose.
Thanks again for the info!