Earwax removal?

El Duderino

Sep 2, 2011
Anyone know of a place where I can get this done?

The cheaper and quicker the better. Don't really want to spend more than 200 pesos and I don't have insurance.

Thanks for any info.
Why don't you try an over the counter remedy, called "Sin Serum". I used it once and it was effective. Having it done at a doctor's office entails them pretty much shooting a high speed watergun in your ear to dislodge the wax and it tickles like crazy! Good luck.
I actually don't mind the watergun. It may be uncomfortable, but it's effective.

I'll try the over the counter stuff first though, thanks!
The best results can be obtained by gently squirting warm water (not hot- just body temp) into the ear canal but being very careful NOT to push any objects into your eardrum.

Usually a syringe (no needle obviously) ...give it 2 or 3 dozen squirts at a moderate rate of water pressure GENTLY , then give it a couple of hours before you do it all again, eventually on the same day, you'll start to hear again.

Best of luck.

BE CAREFUL, Do not put any objects inside the ear canal!

EDIT: Make sure you have Clean Water! Maybe boil it & then let it cool down t make sure no infections develop.
No reason you can't use both the "Sin Serum" method and the syringe method. If you don't have a 3or 5 ml syringe you can use a bulb syringe. If you're squeemish about doing yourself, get a sig other. But if you do yourself you can control the pressure. Warm water is good, but be careful as ear canal is sensitive. If you instill the Sin Serum and leave for a while (read your directions) then you can gently irrigate. Nothing wrong with doing this 2 or 3 days in a row. If you continue to have problems, DO NOT get more agressive on your own--you may have an obstruction or some other problem. Good Luck! Marianne (yes, a nurse)
Following nikad's advice on this thread
I went to this place http://www.iso-otorrino.com.ar/iso/index.htm where they removed my earwax rather quickly and efficiently. It was some kind of suction device and scared me at first but now, months later, my ears are fine and it offered me instant relief. Sincerum did not work for me. It was 160 pesos at least 5 months ago. Oh, there is a wait to see the doctor, so go prepared.