Echegaray Head Of A F I P

So you are saying that was PUPLIC MONEY?

I just don't understand truncated 1/2 sentences.
They just say he spent $20,000US .... full stop.
Thet do not say $20,000US of public money.
Ever heard of the phrase "grease the skids"? Approve an import request here and there for a gratuity?
So you are saying that was PUPLIC MONEY?

I just don't understand truncated 1/2 sentences.
They just say he spent $20,000US .... full stop.
Thet do not say $20,000US of public money.

Exactly, they should SILENCE these golpista reactionary traitor TV Channels preying into the private life of Public Officers having a family outing...!!! If all media was controlled we would never hear these stories.

If it was his Honest Money, he preached to vacation at home and frly Aerolineas Argentinas ???
Exactly, they should SILENCE these golpista reactionary traitor TV Channels preying into the private life of Public Officers having a family outing...!!! If all media was controlled we would never hear these stories.
From the outset, I'm very clear on the 1st issue (beating up reporters), is a big scandal. No argument there.

If it was his Honest Money, he preached to vacation at home and frly Aerolineas Argentinas ???
But, this ONLY makes him just another hypocrate, no more. Big deal.
They all (including Cristina hereself) have their fortunes stashed away in $US in Swiss accounts, but that is a completely different story in itself. Every one knows. Goes without explanations.

Still, I'm NOT clear about the nature of the 2nd issue.

Confusing :
or ... GIFT ?
or ... BRIBARY ?
or ... HE CHANGED $20kUS at official rate for 4 day (200 day) vacation?

No one is saying what it is.

Just spending $20,000US in 4 days in itself is 1/2 a sentence. Where is the punch? ... the scandal? .. The closure of a complete sentence?
Will never know if the money was legitimate?? The Justice will determine if there was a criminal offense? If the Justice validates a cause against him, which will sure be rejected.
Will never know if the money was legitimate?? The Justice will determine if there was a criminal offense? If the Justice validates a cause against him, which will sure be rejected.

I'm absolutely sure he must have covered his tracks very well.
He is not head of AFIP for nothing. He is not an amature.
He protects Cristina, I'm sure the favour will be returned 10 folds.
This is the way Media work. They throw it, they dont give much information, they just install it, accuse without proof, etc. They make a confusion, they throw the number, they just make people make their own association: 20k - corruption.

This said, I dont believe this guy, or almost every person with an important charge of every government of this country (K, Macri, Massa, etc) is honest. I underlined almost because honesty in this country still exists, and in important charges too. People like Taiana, Sabatella, Zamora, Lozano, etc.
Etchegaray specifically, I dont trust him.
... and people wonder why no one trusts this government. For some reason, this episode of Andy Griffith came to my mind.

Reminds me of my 3 tandem tickets (in one shot) for $475 US, in the 80's, for arguing with a police officer going to work through a short cut (20km/hr speeding in a 15km/hr zone through a park). Detained more than 1/2 hour, lectured about people being killed left and right cause of speeding.

Bet those would be worth thousands of $$ by todays money.

I did not citizen arrest him for speeding to catch up with me, dangerous driving manuevers hiding in the bush & jumping the trees.
This was on Reddit this morning:

Idioma Police Chief ... sleeping on the job again ? ... veraneen .. veranean