Electricity & gas tariffs: where and how to register in order not to lose State subsidies


Jun 6, 2005
16 June 2022
....All the details of the new registry of Access to Energy Subsidies, in which residential users of electricity and natural gas services through networks who want to keep the subsidized tariffs, whether or not they are holders of the same, must register. This Thursday, June 16, and through DNU 332/2022, the National Gov't defined the announced subsidy segmentation regime for residential users of electric energy and natural gas through networks, which establishes the new guidelines that will govern the exceptions to energy subsidies, and the implementation of the invoices that these users will receive. In order to identify the payment capacity of each service user, the decree establishes the creation of a Registry of Access to Energy Subsidies (RASE), to improve the available information and facilitate the adoption of public policies.

The official text explains that "the service holders and/or users of public utilities of electric energy and natural gas through networks that request the subsidy from the National State will have to complete an affidavit (DDJJ), for which purpose the Secretariat of Technological Innovation of the Public Sector of the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers will provide the technological tools and resources necessary to ensure its safe, agile and free deployment throughout the country". To this end, the National Administration of Social Security (ANSES), through its offices, shall ensure face-to-face service by facilitating digital uploading in such a way as to universalize access throughout the national territory....The list of beneficiaries of the subsidy regime will be informed to the National Electricity Regulatory Entity (ENRE), the National Gas Regulatory Entity (ENARGAS) and other regulatory entities, provincial authorities and/or the companies providing public distribution services for its implementation.

The Enforcement Authority may request the information and/or documentation it deems necessary to move forward with the segmentation to the different agencies and bodies of the National Public Sector, which must respond within the terms and in the manner established by the Enforcement Authority and as defined in the agreements to be entered into with the different jurisdictions. In addition, Article 8 of the DNU explains that users may request a change of categorization or complain about their categorization in the segmentation regime, in an agile, expeditious and free manner....
16 June 2022
Removal of subsidies: keys to know whether or not you are entitled to the increase in electricity and gas tariffs. The Gov't made the segmentation official. It will not take into account the area where users live. And it will be gradual until the end of the year.

Who will no longer have subsidies. The users who will be responsible for the full cost of the energy they consume - Level 1 for the Gov't - will be those who meet at least one of the following three conditions, "considering all the members of the household as a whole", according to decree 332/2022 published this Thursday in the Official Gazette:
1. Having a net monthly income (out-of-pocket) higher than a value equivalent to 3.5 total basic baskets (for a household 2 according to INDEC. This basket as of May (latest available data) is equivalent to $ 95,260.37 and is updated every month.
Therefore, the service holder who earns $ 333,411 per month will no longer be subsidized.
2. Owning three or more cars less than 5 years old.
3. Owning 3 or more properties.
4. Owning 1 or more aircraft or luxury boats according to the typology applicable by AFIP.
5. To be owners of corporate assets that externalize full economic capacity.

Other user groups. In addition to the people from whom 100% subsidies will be removed, there are two other segments for whom the tariff will go up from June in a smaller proportion.
Level 2: lower income group. These are users for whom the impact on the bill generated by the correction of the energy component will be equivalent to a total annual percentage increase that may not exceed 40% of the Coefficient of Salary Variation (CVS) of the previous year.
To be part of this group, which will receive the lowest increases, certain conditions must be met:
To have net income lower than a value equivalent to a Total Basic Basket for a household 2 according to INDEC ($ 95,260.37 as of May).
Be part of a household with a Housing Certificate (ReNaBaP).
Be a domicile where a community dining room or snack bar registered in RENACOM operates.
At least one member of the household has a Pensión Vitalicia a Veteranos de Guerra del Atlántico Sur (South Atlantic War Veterans' Life Pension).
At least one member of the household has a disability certificate.
All members of the household together have a net income of less than 1.5 Total Basic Baskets for a household 2 according to INDEC
($ 142,890).
Level 3: middle income group.
These are users not included in Levels 1 and 2, to whom, taking as a reference the national jurisdiction, the impact on the bill generated by the correction of the Energy component will be equivalent to a total annual percentage increase in their bill of up to 80% of the Coefficient of Salary Variation (CVS) of the previous year.
In this group will be those who, although their income could be included in Level 2, have a net worth that includes:
Owning 2 or more properties, considering all the members of the household as a whole.
Owning 1 vehicle up to 3 years old, except for households where there is at least one person living with a Single Certificate of Disability (CUD).
The decree assures that residential users of levels 2 and 3 of electric power and gas "will not have a new increase in the invoices for the year 2022".
From how much full tariff will be paid. The removal of subsidies for Level 1 users, with the highest purchasing power, will be gradual.

The decree states that the process
"will be carried out gradually and in bimonthly thirds, so that by the end of the current year, they will be paying the full cost of the energy billed to them". The Secretariat of Energy will establish the manner in which users will be able to complain if they consider that they were included in any category that does not correspond.
17 June 2022
....The surprising thing is that the government does not inform what percentage increase those who lose the subsidy will have to face. So far, there are only private estimates that calculate an increase of around 200%.
17 June 2022 by Sofia Diamante
Electricity and gas rates: all users will have to register as of next week in order not to lose the subsidy....The Gov't informed today that the 10% of the population with the highest payment capacity will start to pay the full gas and electricity tariff gradually, with retroactive consumption as from the 1st of this month, and with three equivalent bimonthly increases, which would be on average between $1000 and $1500, according to official sources....
17 June 2022
....A new category called "Residential User of the Service" will be created for tenants of dwellings that could be in the name of high-income owners. This will avoid complications in delimiting segmentation....So far it has not been disclosed what data will be requested or what will happen to those who do not file the affidavit. However, it is estimated that there will be around 1.6 million electric service customers and 1.2 million gas service users who will lose subsidies....
You have to register in the (RASE) Registro de Acceso a los Subsidios a la Energía which supposedly will be available from next week.
17 June 2022
....The surprising thing is that the government does not inform what percentage increase those who lose the subsidy will have to face. So far, there are only private estimates that calculate an increase of around 200%.
on the edenor bills in the "informacion al cliente" section it shows how much your subsidy is under "subsidio del estado nactional".
there is no obvious breakdown as to how much the subsidy is made up of fixed or variable costs.
But in bills i have seen the subsidy makes up 150+% easily and then factor in outstanding increases.
on the edenor bills in the "informacion al cliente" section it shows how much your subsidy is under "subsidio del estado nactional".
there is no obvious breakdown as to how much the subsidy is made up of fixed or variable costs.
But in bills i have seen the subsidy makes up 150+% easily and then factor in outstanding increases.
Thank you for point that out. My Edesur bill also gives the same data.
21 June 2022
The National Gov't seeks to enable this week the Registry of Access to Energy Subsidies (RASE), within the framework of the tariff segmentation program for electricity and gas users that has been implemented by decree effective June 1st. Here is how to complete the mandatory procedure to be able to keep the subsidies....Users must submit a sworn (DDJJ) statement of household composition, including the income and assets of the family group. In addition, they must indicate whether or not the user is or is not the owner of the service. In the case of users who register and have more than one electricity or gas meter in their name, the subsidy will be only for the meter of the domicile declared as residence. If the user is not the owner of the home in which he/she lives, the registry allows the user to register as a "person using the services", thus maintaining the subsidy for tenants or residents, as long as they do not belong to the high-income group. All those who wish to keep their subsidies must register, and those who do not complete this process will lose them. Registration does not exclude those who receive social benefits or retirees and pensioners. Those who belong to the "high" group will have to pay the full tariff gradually until the end of the year, since they are not entitled to the subsidy.

In the next few days you will be able to register on this page:
If you do not have digital access, you will be able to do it in person at ANSES offices and service providers.
UPDATE: 29 June 2022
After several months of delay, the Gov't is moving forward with the segmentation of tariffs. The form to claim the subsidy has yet to be published, but it is already known what information will be requested to maintain it.

DNI number, DNI card processing number, name, surname, CUIL, gender and date of birth. In addition to this, socioeconomic data, employment status, contact data, address declared by the user, zip code, relationship with the address, electricity service data, gas service data and data of the cohabiting group....