Emergency Orthodontist / Dentist Needed ASAP


Jul 24, 2023
Help please. A 3 tooth section of my lower dental work just came out & unattached from their posts. Any recommendations for a practice handling implants? Thanks.
NEVERMIND! MEDIDENT - around the corner - saved the day. Walked in with crown & they re-cemented it in for only $50. Highly recommend them!
I will need a dentist soon. Do they speak any English? Me defendido en español, but I prefer English if possible, so I understand exactly what's happening.
Congratulations! Glad to know. Last year I had some crowns recemented (so far so good) with a good price at the humble but friendly Transendental Clinic on Olazabel & Cabildo. However this year, because of exchange rates, I probably won't get veneers done here as I had considered.
I will need a dentist soon. Do they speak any English? Me defendido en español, but I prefer English if possible, so I understand exactly what's happening.
Isaac Fernando Meta, DDS, MS.
Address: Av. Raul Scalabrini Ortiz 2089 – Piso 8
Dto. 30 – Palermo. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos
Aires, Argentina. CP: 1425
Tel: + 54 11 4832-8320 – Cell: 15 3050-1028

Professor at the University, on US Embassy list of physicians. Very nice guy, fluent in English, did his grad work at OSU.