Entrance fees


Jul 7, 2010
So I'm thinking about bus-tripping over Christmas from BsAs up through the north, into Paraguay and Bolivia and then into Chile.

I am from the USA. I'm already going to have paid Chile's $132 USD entrance fee, so that's not an issue. But I was curious if Paraguay and/or Bolivia had similar charges for Americans? And will I get hit with them traveling overland? Also, are there visa requirements and are they difficult/expensive to obtain?


I have been able to enter Bolivia freely (as a Canadian aka 'Westerner'). They will automatically grant you 30 days (but you can ask for 90).

I think Paraguay is the same for Yanquis as it is for Canadians. You will probably need to get a tourist visa in advance, $45 for one-time visit, $60 for multiple. The last time I was there I picked it up at the Paraguayan consulate in Foz (Brasil) and it took about 10 minutes (need two passport photos).

But, too be honest, the border with Paraguay is a gong show. You could probably walk across in most places carrying duffel bags of drugs, guns, and human kidneys and no one would notice.

When I went into Ciudad de Oeste I had to yell repeatedly at the public bus driver to drop me off at the customs office as he was not stopping. People just go in and out! :eek:
Both Bolivia and Paraguay have reciprocity visa taxes for USA citizens. Bolivia charges $135 USD they started charging somewhere in the last couple of years. Paraguay has a multiple entrance fee of $100 USD or one-time entry fee of $65USD. The only bordering country to Argentina that does not charge an entry fee at this time is Uruguay. Have a fun trip:)

(ps, the internet is your friend: