Escribano charges, anyone done this?


Apr 12, 2011
How much should an escribano charge for me to go and sign documents relating to the tramite of habilitacion (they have to be signed before they get presented to the gob. de la ciudad) I'm not talking about the sello etc. just the escribano's fee. Thank you.
I've done this exact trámite before, and just so you know the "habilitación" process is not just a simple signature. You are actually signing an "escritura" which is the same thing you would sign as if you were buying a property. Most will charge anywhere between $600 and $1000 pesos do prepare and file (they have to be recorded in "folios" which are like public records). Hope this helps.......In my opinion the best escribanía in la República Argentina is Escribanía Yofre, Felipe Yofre, Escribano, Florida 440, 3rd Floor, office #8, Tel. 5219-9800

Good luck!
To notarize a signature they wont charge you more than 150 pesos. You can always go to a "Juzgado de Paz" to get a document notarized for something in the range of 10 to 20 pesos.