Expat Saturday luncheon?


Mar 9, 2007
I would love to go to an expat event but most of them seem to take place at night and on weekdays. This is a problem for me because I live outside of the capital (near Hurlingham) and have to rely on the train for transportation. I propose that we arrange a Saturday luncheon. What do you guys think?
There is not going to be an age limit and restriction on this invitation/shindig is there?
I hope not... what about brunch at Olsen? Or is that too fancy/hard to get into/expensive and so on?
No, we shouldn't discriminate on anyone's age. I just want to meet new people, regardless of how old or young they are.
I'm not familiar with Olsen. How much is brunch, on average? I'm willing to go to a nice place, but not necessarily to the most expensive place in BA either.
I vote for non smoking environment and a place that is reasonablly priced. Some of us cant afford the Palermo Hollywood life.
"JG" said:
I vote for non smoking environment and a place that is reasonablly priced. Some of us cant afford the Palermo Hollywood life.

I completely agree. I can hardly afford it, but it's one of those big name places... any other suggestions on where to go?