Expatriates watching the Super Bowl?

Copy that "recon", report back with confirmation of target and / or alternate strike zone!!! Over and out
Run!! Two blocks south of Plaza Libertador, on San Martin between Cordoba and Paraguay... See you there!!!
I'm game (pun intended) for details too, either on this site or to wendygkane@yahoo.com. You can also text me at 15 6974 9035

See you all later !!
Okay, my recon left me feeling a bit sketch about this place. Could be because it's the ugliest block in all of the Microcentro (behind Harrods), could be the uncomfortable looking fauxchicmodern decor and cheapo stools, could be that everything just seems dead on a Sunday. All I can say good about it is, there's a 7-foot screen on the back wall. Check out my pics and let me know what you think. The word Alemo was going through my mind as I was down there, even though I never been to the Alemo.
Yeah, I just checked out the Alemo web page:http://www.elalamobar.com/And I think I will try my luck there. At least it looks like an actual "There." It has wood and stuff. It doesn't look like a Milwaukee strip-mall sushi joint.
El Alamo will be jammed packed. Bring your patience. Last year I was there and at halftime walked over to Bullers Microbrewery in Recoleta where I watched the game in peace and comfort with no problems getting served. The Bullers downtown on Paraguay is closed Sunday.
yeah i'm thinking no deal on the RUN place.. i won't go to Alamo and stand the whole game either I think i might do the expat connection place.. I trust them and i think i could drink/eat enough for 130 to be worth it. hope everyone finds a place to enjoy the game!
"molinaax" said:
yeah i'm thinking no deal on the RUN place.. i won't go to Alamo and stand the whole game either I think i might do the expat connection place.. I trust them and i think i could drink/eat enough for 130 to be worth it. hope everyone finds a place to enjoy the game!

Well, in case anybody is interested I posted on a spearate thread where the peeps from the Asociacion Argentina de Football Americano are gonna be watching the Superbowl, just so there is yet one more option.nik
Just my two cents, but:
  • Microcentro is always dead on Sundays. It's the business district.
  • The seats at Run do look uncomfortable, but the price is right and the big screen is right.
  • As previously mentioned, the Alamo is a nice bar, but could be a difficult place to really watch the game, if that's what you want to do. (I haven't missed a Patriot game this year; I'm not planning to start now.)
  • How do you consume $130 worth of Quilmes and pizza in 3 hours?
  • Don't forget that you pay for food and drinks before and after the game, on top of the $130. That level of American capitalism is beyond my tolerance.
  • Where is the Asociacion Argentina de Football Americano watching the game? (Or where is the thread where this information was posted?)
  • I'd really like to watch the game with an interested (and interesting?) crowd instead of at home by myself, but a firm consensus seems to be lacking. I'll check this thread until close to game time, and if there's some consensus, apart from the Expat Connection, I think I'll see you there.
Thanks to all for trying to pull something together.