I am a bit confused as to the customs laws here, and was wondering if anyone here would shed some light on the issue for me. My understanding is that all individuals, extranjeros and natives, are allowed to recieve packages up to $25 in value. Once over this amount, you have to pay 50% of the value. I also thought that customs officials have to respect what is declared on the form, if someone does not put a value then they have the right to assign a value. The other day, the customs official did not believe what was declared even though the contents were declared as used and wanted me to pay $100 usd. I asked for an explanation of how that value was calculated and he provided nothing except saying that is the value here in Argentina. That rule (if you can call it that) seems highly subjective. Is there regulations explaining how value is assigned? Does the $25 limit apply to all forms of shipment (Fed EX, DHL, correo)? Do they have the right to challenge the declared value? Are their any exceptions as to the limit? I read on the AFIP rules, Articulo 555: Salvo disposición especial en contrario, los enviós postales que carecieren de finalidad comercial no estan sujetos a las prohibiciones de carácter económico
In general, I am confused as to if used items are taxed, items for personal use only, if there are exceptions to this $25 rule, and how value is assigned? Any help?
In general, I am confused as to if used items are taxed, items for personal use only, if there are exceptions to this $25 rule, and how value is assigned? Any help?