exporting help for a new business

This is true. People who go through life unable or unwilling to take chances usually don't get very far. In fact many end up in Argentina trying to scrape by with a middle class existence. Probably one of the reasons they get so negative when others take chances they couldn't fathom.

Amargo said:
El que no arriesga, no gana.

Good luck Kirst. You should PM some people who genuinely have first hand knowledge on the subject and take it from there. Debating this on the forum will become an instant circle jerk of negativity in no time.
There are lots of opportunities in AR and Latin America as a whole. The continent is looking way more promising for business than the US or Europe for the forseeable future. But it needs to be the right kind of business, one not negatively impacted by the government on a regular basis.

As someones who has been involved in starting and running businesses for 3 decades, I can tell you the most important part is to identify a viable business and a workable model. One you can fund or reliably find funding for. These are the key thing many unsuccessful entrepreneurs fail to do.

That will allow you to take worthy risks.