First post!

braytrain said:
you dont need to be qualified to teach English. You just need to be a native speaker and a badass and you will make more money than the qualified people.

Bulls**t. That might have been true years back, but students/schools are getting smarter and more demanding now. There are plenty of qualified teachers around. Why pay more for someone who's unqualified? Being a 'badass' won't get you anywhere.
When I first came here I started working for a US call centre . For a company called Young America . Handling what they call in the US 'rebates' . I was on rubbish money and was treated like rubbish too . But I appreciated the experience of how US firms operate here . Bloody awfull ! To me . If you move here . Look around you . At the cartoneros and the homeless . Then appreciate the opportunity of a job just cos you are from a certain part of the globe that brutily inforces it's ranking . I would suggest trying to make a living being a cartonero first . Then looking for a job
Amplexus said:
If you move here . Look around you . At the cartoneros and the homeless . Then appreciate the opportunity of a job just cos you are from a certain part of the globe that brutily inforces it's ranking . I would suggest trying to make a living being a cartonero first . Then looking for a job

Amplexus said:
When I first came here I started working for a US call centre . For a company called Young America . Handling what they call in the US 'rebates' . I was on rubbish money and was treated like rubbish too . But I appreciated the experience of how US firms operate here . Bloody awfull ! To me . If you move here . Look around you . At the cartoneros and the homeless . Then appreciate the opportunity of a job just cos you are from a certain part of the globe that brutily inforces it's ranking . I would suggest trying to make a living being a cartonero first . Then looking for a job

This post was good up until this sentence - not sure that is the kind of advice I would be handing out to would be expats.
pompeygazza said:
Bulls**t. That might have been true years back, but students/schools are getting smarter and more demanding now. There are plenty of qualified teachers around. Why pay more for someone who's unqualified? Being a 'badass' won't get you anywhere.

Not bullshit. I worked at three different Language places without having any teaching qualifications or experience. I was a complete BADASS :D :cool: :cool: :p and I didn´t miss a class or lose students. I pushed for recommendations and positive feedback. After 6 months I was making 45 pesos an hour at the institutes and 75 pesos for private students, and only working about 30 hours a week.

Expats have the bad habit of sitting around and waiting for $h!t to come to them but if you try and push and dont lose hope or confidence you can make money doing just about anything here.

And this guy has a BUSINESS DEGREE from the STATES. NATIVE SPEAKER. You have money written all over you Eric, of course they will hire you, teaching business english at the big companies. The TEFL is a waste of time and money.
braytrain said:
And this guy has a BUSINESS DEGREE from the STATES. NATIVE SPEAKER. You have money written all over you Eric, of course they will hire you, teaching business english at the big companies. The TEFL is a waste of time and money.

This could be an option. I dont have personal experience but I know colleagues of mine that have english classes in the office. The teachers are native speakers and I know my work for one foots the bill and pays them fairly handsomely. But see the problem you have, is that there is plenty of competition for these spots, the teachers in my office are well qualified (so I am told) and many have been here for a while hence are bilingual anyway.

I guess it couldnt hurt getting in contact with some of the big companies, through Recursos Humanos or Capacitación and see how you go.
braytrain said:
And this guy has a BUSINESS DEGREE from the STATES. NATIVE SPEAKER. You have money written all over you Eric, of course they will hire you, teaching business english at the big companies. The TEFL is a waste of time and money.

Eric, please think about these:

It's Day One, and you're starting to fire off emails to companies for work. They start calling you-in Spanish. HR departments expect to deal with people who can speak their language, trust me, and they'll want a lot of information.

Argentina is going into recession and one thing that means is survival of the fittest. Companies will demand qualified and experienced teachers who can speak Spanish. There are plenty of those around.

If you have enough money to survive here for 3 months, plus enough for your fare home if it doesn't work out, by all means give it a try. Why not? But don't trust people who tell you it'll be easy cos it won't.
Well i will say that there are plenty of oportunity here, at least if you get the visa and maybe even without it, is true that a posible recession is coming, but is still not here and is only a posibility, in the other side there is already recesion since a while in the north so why not give it a try, in any case would be a great adventure for you. I personally don't find that much dificulty on getting good works and make good money here, i just arrive 1 month ago from ireland and i'm getting lot of offers with far better salary than i was getting in Ireland anyway (i have a degree in economy just to clarify and speak native spanish).

You already have the degree you just need to improve your spanish and you are more than ok ;)
Thank you everybody!

So, it looks like there is a significant amount of research done by everyone before making the move. I appreciate everyone's input! I am enrolled in a spanish course for the summer in order to brush up and practice, so that might help. Regardless, I think it is necessary to stroll the forums and soak up as much information as I can get. Keep owning it, Bray!
It's a shitty job but someone has to do it.
Look at those Computer Sales/Support Call Center jobs.
Many of them cater to the US market directly and are always looking for english speaking money-starved young folk to enslave.