Flu bug


Sep 18, 2009
Anyone else been afflicted?
Knocked us both for six and I haven't been able to work the whole week just sleep, sleep, sleep.
Thankfully I'm pulling out now and better each day.
A lot of people have had it (myself included)......It's a nasty one too! Feel better
..yeah, I've got it now and my family. Comes with a nice sore throat and fever; lasts about 6-7 days.
At last count about 6 of us have had it (myself, my girlfriend, her daughter (still bad), about 3 of the daughter's friends and my girlfriend's sister and daughter) - mmmmh - I've lost count there - and yes, I still have it - its a bad one and it gets on the throat and chest pretty quick - and it doesn't want to go... My recommendation is simple - the local cognac otard depuis is excellent and cheap - heat it up with honey, lemon, cinnamon or whatever and drink a lot - it may not get rid of the flu any quicker but you definitely feel a lot better after the first 5 or 6 of these... :)