Fluoride in the water?

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Studies have shown that bottled water can contain a fair amount of chemicals too (PET for example).
Buying bottled water is not only *really* bad for the environment (all that plastic that is manufactured, the environmental footprint and cost to bottle and ship it, the increase in trash, etc.), many studies have found that bottled water contains the same or more chemicals than those found in water from the tap.

This study is from the US but worldwide results seem to be fairly consistent: http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/news/20081014/report-some-bottled-water-not-so-pure

FWIW, I think buying a filter or Brita is the best and most environmentally friendly method to purify water you get from the tap.
MizzMarr said:
True, buying bottled water is very bad for the environment. Check out this video "The story of bottled water" if you haven't seen it. We use a Brita at home and it's fantastic.


Its true bottled water is terrible for your health if in plastic bottles which is a poison. When I say bottled water I mean only glass bottles that are non toxic .
Separate-but-distantly-related: I think the early 20th/late 19th century Argie water buildings are among the most beautiful buildings anywhere in South America, possibly anywhere in the world. I often want to climb over the fence of that one on Alcorta... and that one on Cordoba is a treasure...

Just sayin'.

(Related guess: early 20th cent Arg probably had the among the best water of any developed city in the world!)
MorganF said:
Separate-but-distantly-related: I think the early 20th/late 19th century Argie water buildings are among the most beautiful buildings anywhere in South America, possibly anywhere in the world. I often want to climb over the fence of that one on Alcorta... and that one on Cordoba is a treasure...

Just sayin'.

(Related guess: early 20th cent Arg probably had the among the best water of any developed city in the world!)

Me too - I love those buildings!:) I always wondered if I could get a tour of one of them.
citygirl said:
Me too - I love those buildings!:) I always wondered if I could get a tour of one of them.

Yes yes yes! I would soooo pay for that! Once I was walking by the one on Cordoba, the door was open, so I just walked in - they were having like some open house - it was magnificent inside!

The original machinery was all exposed (still there!) and the funniest part.... all the dials and knobs were in English, in British Imperial units, too.... unsurprisingly, it was the Brits who built them....
I'm a bit of a tap water snob and yet I totally drink the water here.

And as for Chlorine in the water, I think that if you let it sit over night (placing it in a jar... perhaps in the fridge), then some of the Chlorine breaks down.

Dallas & LA had MUCH worse water issues than Buenos Aires.
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