Food Review for Sugar and Spice - Locked???


Aug 29, 2006
I am so disheartened by the fact that I was hoping to post a "Thank you" for sergio's comment about Sugar and Spice (pricing comparison) but alas the thread is locked and closed. Of all the reviews about FOOD AND DRINKS only THIS particular thread was locked.
I was also about to place a review on biscotti review but cannot do it on the same thread - SUGAR AND SPICE (remember).
So I am not sure who is locking and limiting expat's access to this thread where not-so-flattering reviews are written but I am thinking dubious things are happening to my posts.
I hope no one locks or takes this post (delete) because this thread is just like the reviews people have done on closed door restaurants and coffee - I am not sure why the "protection" to Mr. Almeida.
Just confused about the "padlocked" thread that is all. I did not post anything offensive or OFF the topic - on the contrary.
If anyone is reading this try to post something on THAT thread and you will see that IT IS LOCKED. Wow, I am surprised but NOT surprised.

Dear Grazie,

I just sent you a private message regarding this topic. The thread is once again locked after one of my replies has been deleted. I did not think to do this at the time, but I did take a screen shot of my private message to you.

In case you don´t see it I just wanted to clarify that I have no affiliation with this site. I have no idea why threads are locked or posts are deleted. I don´t like this at all and it gives me no confort in posting things on this site.

I would like to know what is going on.

I recently tried some more goodies from Sugar and Spice and wanted to post a review, since there was so much chatter about it, but that thread is locked. Now there's all this other drama going on with a "he said, she said" type of situation, so I was going to skip posting the review... but since I have nothing to do with either Frank and whoever he is associated with nor the social/political figures of this site, I decided to post for whoever is actually interested in the cookies. How's that for a disclaimer? :)

Yesterday I picked up the brownies (choco nuez), the cookies (passion for chocolate) and copetín (parm y nuez). While I'm not a fan of the copetín (I never even knew what it was), the quality was good. It's more of a cracker than a cookie I guess, not sweet. The brownies were probably the highest quality, best tasting brownies I've ever had (that weren't homemade). Very good and yes, even soft. The cookies were my favorite, rich chocolate with white chocolate chunks. They weren't soft, but I don't think cookies have to be soft to be good. They were crisp and delicious. So if you haven't tried the Sugar & Spice brand yet, or if you did and you weren't impressed, give it another shot. I did get what I had directly from the shop, so maybe that makes a difference.
Hola a todos.
Guau estoy impresionada por todo este debate sobre Frank E. Almeida y demas.
Hace muy poco tiempo que estoy en Baexpats, llegue aqui por un post de alguien que buscaba un departamento pero no tenia garantia por ser del extranjero. Yo soy dueña de un departamento que alquilo a estudiantes y extranjeros sin necesidad de presentar una garantia propietaria y me parecio que estaria bueno poder acercarme mas a quienes necesitan una vivienda o hacer de puente ayudandolos con informacion sobre Argentina, tramites o lo que fuera con lo que pudiera ayudarlos.
..pero sinceramente estoy sorprendida. Disculpen que escribi en español pero mi ingles no es muy bueno. Espero que se solucione todo este problema y si alguien necesita mi ayuda en algo...cuentan conmigo.
Bianca the truth is that we very rarely lock threads and allow all topics to be freely discussed.
The last thread on Sugar and Spice was closed due to inproper language used by a member . The only remarks that we censor are the replies to the deleted comments as they are no longer appropriate due to the comment not being visible.

There is a lot of misinformation about this topic but the truth is this is due to big business interests wanting control of the Ba expats forum. There is a long history here dating from 2006 to wrestle control of this media.

Yanqui Mike and Frank Almeida are the same group and have been working for two years to destroy our site via their infamous blog BA expat groupwatch. Their goal is to take over the Ba expats .


Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 434
Thanks: 12
Thanked 20 Times in 16 Posts

Democrats Abroad soap opera
I hope you remeber the story that developed last month, when Yanqui Mike, the Chairman of Democrats Abroad Argentina, was ousted by his own peers for alledged irregularities in management of funds donated to Obama's campain (among other things). Guess what? He is back!

But now he is not only after the Chair, he is trying to get his personal friends to the Vice Chair, Treasurer and all other official positions. They call it "the Progressive Ticket". I must admit, I do see a lot of progress in this development. Annual Meeting of Democrats Abroad is on the 31st. Taking into account Mike's tenacity in this matter and selection of people who will be willing to attend the show, there is a pretty good chance that he will get elected again.

In anticipation of this remarkable event, I would like to publish a single quote. As I mentioned before, for several years Yanqui Mike maintained a "Baexpats Hate" website. Now he closed public access to it, but I keep a few things he was saying about baexpats as a personal memento. Here comes one of them:


These boludos would love nothing more than to have Argentina and the world believe that ALL of us expats here share their opinion.

Challenge them. Don't let them go unanswered.

Everytime these idiots spout their opinion as if it were generally accepted and unassailable fact...let 'em have it with every key on your keyboard.

And if you catch these Rush Limbaugh wanna-bees denigrating out loud the lovely people of this city and nation while enjoying everything that this wonderful place offers them...stand up from your table and with full throat let everyone in the room know these people are goddamned neanderthals and let the room know that you do not subscribe to their "facts"...preferentamente en castellano.

...and if you see and hear someone giving these black-hearted imbeciles what they deserve, stand up and support them.

Yanqui Mike Skowronek
Former Chairman and
Current candidate for Chairman from so called "Progressive Ticket"
Democrats Abroad Argentina

Now tell me one thing, folks. Do your hearts resonate with the words of the face person of local Democrats?

Let me do a quick recap of this weeks episode
After calling all 500 members and complaining them how he was privately executed by a group of "tea drinking people", after buying everybody "drinks on Mike" (apparently not tea) for a year from donations money as his former treasurer states, the Great Leader got reelected by 7 votes with only 16% of members casting their ballots. That means that less than 9% of DAA members voted for him.

The newly elected Chair immediately closed the meeting (depriving himself from joy of talking to his people about all this mess) and rushed home to bring the news about the "Clean Sweep" victory by "Progressive ticket" from his website.

It looks like local democrats (and everybody else) will be able to watch this show for another year.

Another thing, there was a guy who put videos from other candidates on the Internet. Right before the elections he posted a message on his blog saying that he was threatened by Yanqui Mike and his wife Alyssa (his spelling) and does not like to be pushed around. As of February 1st his blog is no more. I assume, it counts as another clean democratic victory.

We at the BA expats have sat back for two years and said nothing why we have been personally attacked, defamed in the most demeaning manner by Mike and his cohorts. How much patience can we have I ask the members when libelous remarks are written about us and have been so for over two years
Someone here said that it is against the law in Argentina to libel someone on the web. That is a fact. You can make a negative comment about a restaurant or a cookie but you can not accuse someone of stealing money. All of this debate seems very silly to me and a waste of time however the part about calling someone a scammer is serious.
My name is Steve

The forum Bianca is for everyone and for the right to express our opinions. Blahblah has not been banned fullstop and he is an active member here. We believe in the truth and fairness .

I suggest that you look into BA expats groupwatch and see that many members here have been defamed pubilcly without any chance of reply due to it being a blog. This has gone on for over 2 years now and we have rarely replied publicly.

In regards to his claims they are false as he has not been banned and the thread is open for discussion. As stated before threads are closed down here due to going off topic or inappropiate comments.
The ironic thing is that we have deleted negative scurrilous remarks about his business . A few of his replies were censored because they were replies to these comments.

On Ba Newcomers they approve less comments and have many members who are not allowed to post due to them having different opinions. We strive not to do this here but we have banned some members who became intolerable.

As stated before our aim is to live in harmony with all but slanderous attacks will not be tolerated and we will respond accordingly.
sergio said:
. . . the law in Argentina . . . . [:] You can make a negative comment about a restaurant or a cookie but you can not accuse someone of stealing money. . . .
Considering the rigor with which the public trust is discharged in Argentina, who could be surprised that the politicians would write and enact such a law?
Moxon said:
. . . . Who are you???
I've been told that this forum is the property of four foreigners. We've Igor, [E-]Pericles, and Chris, so I'd guess . . . that this is the mysterious fourth hand.