Foreign Trade Minister Ivan Heyn Dead

bradlyhale said:

"They say he may have died from asphyxia derived from hypoxyphilia, a sexual practice that consists of a person impeding her or his respiration -- or that of her or his partner -- in order to obtain sexual pleasure," reports an Uruguayan newspaper, "El Observador", citing judicial sources.

Clarin always write their notes as follow, and in many cases are not citing the sources, notes, articles are not signed by anyone, or backed with facts, "he may have", "unnamed sources", "it could be", "it may", "is believe that", "he said" "they hear that", "rumors are" etc,, you can believe what you want to believe but please do not cite Clarin as if this was the bible because isn't, far away from it.
surfing said:
The hallways were all under video surveillance; Nobody entered or left his room. Not everything involves a conspiracy.
Don´t be naive.Cristina´s mentalists could make kill himself after she rejected him of being her lover. I saw a similar situation in a highly pedagogical movie called "Zoolander".
Lucas said:
Clarin always write their notes as follow, and in many cases are not citing the sources, notes, articles are not signed by anyone, or backed with facts, "he may have", "unnamed sources", "it could be", "it may", "is believe that", "he said" "they hear that", "rumors are" etc,, you can believe what you want to believe but please do not cite Clarin as if this was the bible because isn't, far away from it.

I do take Clarin as it it were the bible...both mostly nonsense.
People who are into this asphyxiation stuff really should make it clear to loved ones (or anyone they're willing to confide in)... "hey, if I'm ever found dead, naked, hanging by a rope tied to a clothes bar... eh, don't worry about it, just had an accident." :rolleyes:

Or make it very clear that one would never do that so they can track down the killer. :p
It is unlikely that he took his life considering the circumstances. He was a very responsible person that would have left a suicide note . He apparently was at the peak of his career and friends commented that they have never seen him happier .