Foreigners (Tourists & Non-Res) Cannot Use Ars For Travel

Same as everywhere else, tourists in Spain or France pay mostly with CC, to pay latter in monthly paymnets at home, and perhaps cash some Euros for shoeshines...jajajaj
Who walks ar
Ha,ha,haa Not me, I charge and charge and most of time only use 1~2 CC, one is LAN visa the other is Marriott's visa. It will come handy for my upcoming trip to Lat Am but always every month clearing the debts in one sweep, no interest can they earn from me..!
Tom and Nancy, international law prohibits double jeopardy--meaning if you are paying taxes to a particular country on an asset you can not be made to pay taxes to another country for the same asset. If you are already paying taxes on something you own, let's say in the US, argentina can not charge you taxes on the same thing. That is called double taxation or double jeopardy and is against international tax conventions.
Nice work there yummy lady. Maybe the delicate dude from the Lone Star place will read this. Don't pay taxes just because some forum person quotes a part of some dumb ass law. Consult your expert. Or if you can't afford an expert then you haven't made enough $$$$ money to worry about taxes.