Free Arturo

The Mendoza zoo has more problems than the suffering polar bear.

Packs of wil dogs enter the zoo at night, attack and kill animals in the enclosures.

2014.07.01: Tragedia en el Zoo: una jauría mató a 25 (más tarde:+ 2 ñandúes). 27 ñandús killed.

2014.07.14: Perros callejeros atacaron de nuevo a los animales del Zoo. Mató a 4 guanacos y 2 llamas.
The Mendoza zoo has more problems than the suffering polar bear.

Packs of wil dogs enter the zoo at night, attack and kill animals in the enclosures.

2014.07.01: Tragedia en el Zoo: una jauría mató a 25 (más tarde:+ 2 ñandúes). 27 ñandús killed.

2014.07.14: Perros callejeros atacaron de nuevo a los animales del Zoo. Mató a 4 guanacos y 2 llamas.

I think that animals kept in a zoo should be as close to their native habitat as possible and well-cared for. Having said that, I find the protests against keeping animals in a zoo particularly narrow minded. People tend to forget that animals in the wild typically die by being eaten alive.
I think that animals kept in a zoo should be as close to their native habitat as possible and well-cared for. Having said that, I find the protests against keeping animals in a zoo particularly narrow minded. People tend to forget that animals in the wild typically die by being eaten alive.
Yes - unless, of course, they slowly starve to death, which is the norm for predators.
Winnipeg Assiniboine Zoo is pretty hot July and August (30-40 Celsius). It's polar bear enclosure is pretty large and well maintained, but the colder temperatures only really start around October - April.
Winnipeg has some very extreme temperatures and mosquito season is particularly hard on the animals as there are inordinately large and aggressive mosquitoes (this zoo is very close to the Red River and patches of swampy standing water). This poor beast needs a rest to live out the remainder of it's life; not being tormented by pests.
Not to worry. Some asshole in Texas just paid 200K to trophy hunt Arturo.
Yes - unless, of course, they slowly starve to death, which is the norm for predators.
Polar bears are dying off now not to a lack of food so much, but because many are drowning. The rapidly melting ice in the north is reducing the amount of ice floes that the bears either travel on, rest on, or move from one to another. Now as there are fewer and the distance between them is greater. IT takes more energy to hunt, and even if they catch a seal, swimming to the nearest floe fatigues the bear and ends up drowning. This also affects mating, and where there is a food shortage the bears cannibalize the cubs.
The polar bear is in in dire straits. Arturo would not stand a chance in the wild.
Polar bears are dying off now not to a lack of food so much, but because many are drowning. The rapidly melting ice in the north is reducing the amount of ice floes that the bears either travel on, rest on, or move from one to another. Now as there are fewer and the distance between them is greater. IT takes more energy to hunt, and even if they catch a seal, swimming to the nearest floe fatigues the bear and ends up drowning. This also affects mating, and where there is a food shortage the bears cannibalize the cubs.
The polar bear is in in dire straits. Arturo would not stand a chance in the wild.

Arturo will probably die if they attempt to move him elsewhere.