Frente de Todos still on top


Mar 20, 2014
Read it and weep
If there was an election this Sunday, Alberto and Cristina would win by an even bigger margin than they did last year. On the national level, the margin would be 42% to 31%, and among bonaerenses an even bigger gap of 48% to 25%

So much for "a tiny minority", eh?

Needless to say, we all know that with any political opinion poll, there is always abundant room for skepticism.
The voice of 1,500 citizens has spoken on Pagina 12, I guess. Amazing how each polling company has polar opposite results.

How is Axel doing in Provincia BA? People happy and content?

In the meantime, vote Frente x Todxs for jobs and an economic boom of new businesses! With the exception of the sheltered public sector and upper classes, a lot of people are experiencing very real negative effects aggravated or caused by this government and its policies... something that is sure to leave a bitter taste in the mouth of many who were actually doing "OK" before the quarantine and may seek electoral revenge.

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Read it and weep
If there was an election this Sunday, Alberto and Cristina would win by an even bigger margin than they did last year. On the national level, the margin would be 42% to 31%, and among bonaerenses an even bigger gap of 48% to 25%

So much for "a tiny minority", eh?

Needless to say, we all know that with any political opinion poll, there is always abundant room for skepticism.
Felicitaciones! Grabois and Maximo as ministers in the next term and the Red Brigade here will be very happy ;)

But i agree with you, the Peronists are far from dead (i believe there is a basis of 30% in this country, even if they were suffering extreme poverty). Whether this is a good thing or not, obviously we disagree
Intelligence was never a strong suit of those voting for these muppets.. All you need to do is open your eyes and look around