Andrea - This little group (Ok, not so little, as we had around 25 out last night) meet on Friday's to unwind at the end of the week, hence the name Frinks (FRIday Night driKS)... hahaha....
We tend to always be around the Montserrat/San Telmo area, which is quite central for travelling from around the city, with the subte lines converging very close to where we go. We don't meet up in Palermo, for a number of reasons, one being that there are very few "Real bars/pubs" in that area, and those that there are tend to only serve the local branded beers, rather than the variety of artesnal beers we get in the places we head too. Another reason is, we just don't like Palermo

Seriously, many of us travel from all over on a Friday night, mainly becasue the company is great, I hope, and as someone who lives outside the capital myself, travel is always an option for me, but worth it. There is nothing stopping anyone organising a night out in Palermo, or anywhere else, but Frinking is unlikely to head that way in the near future. Next week we are looking at heading to Bodeo for example, and the Friday after will be the Frinkers Early Xmas Party in San Telmo. You would be more than welcome..... Wathc this space for the details...