Galloping Inflation 2


Mar 25, 2007
The topic of inflation has come up many times but I think it is time to renew it. My health insurance will go up 16.7% next month. It will increase again at the end of the year. Prices of almost everything increase constantly. For the first time I have begun to feel the effects of inflation here which I believe to be about 30% Some will say "leave" and they may be right. At some point they too may decide to leave! I can't believe that all expats here are so rich that they can absorb this inflation indefinitely.
Don't forget that public transport prices will increase 10-30% as well. 1 viaje will cost 1.10
This was on the news last night, but I did not catch start date, the price of gas and light will go up. Not good.
Best thing is the criollitas are back on the shelves. Very good.
Well I guess it's only fair that gasprices are rising. They've been kept at an incredibly low price since the economic crisis and are heavily subsidized.
The madness never stops. Yesterday I went buy a Spanish magazine. Ok. Ok. Importado. Well three months ago, it was 12 pesos, for the last two 18 pesos. Yesterday it was 40 pesos!!!! Who pays $US 13-14 for a magazine in the third world? Needless to say I will no longer be purchasing that. Its really unbelievable. 8 pesos for a roll of Argentine paper towels which you will need the entire roll for one clean-up.. I, for one, am cutting back as much as possible. As everyone tells me, this is just a cycle and things are so out of price for locals that something is bound to happen soon.
Martin...I was expecting someone to post about how reasonable the prices are here and how much worse it is in the US and how lucky everyone is to be here and not in the terrible USA.
"ReemsterCARP" said:
Don't forget that public transport prices will increase 10-30% as well. 1 viaje will cost 1.10
Based on 60 viajes a month a wooping 4 dollars or 2,5 euro´s

I never stop loving it, when someone calls people on their whining.... :)
Quoting "CABJ": "Don't forget that public transport prices will increase 10-30% as well. 1 viaje will cost 1.10
Based on 60 viajes a month a wooping 4 dollars or 2,5 euro´s "
No: 60 x AR$1.10 = AR$66.00 = approximately US$22, or 14 euroes.

"RWS" said:
Quoting "CABJ": "Don't forget that public transport prices will increase 10-30% as well. 1 viaje will cost 1.10

Based on 60 viajes a month a wooping 4 dollars or 2,5 euro´s "
No: 60 x AR$1.10 = AR$66.00 = approximately US$22, or 14 euroes.
You were already making those trips, so the increase will be a couple of bucks a month, sjeez get a life
It´s not inflation by the way as it is still way below the cost-price