Gas Subsidy


Dec 17, 2012
Hi guys,
My gas bill went from 600-800 pesos to 1700 pesos last couple of months. Is that normal ?
Or I forgot to turn off my gas heater/radiator ? I was also told the subsidy was removed recently.
If this is true, it must be hard for some of the old people living in my building.

My area is Juncal and Junin
Hi guys,
My gas bill went from 600-800 pesos to 1700 pesos last couple of months. Is that normal ?
Or I forgot to turn off my gas heater/radiator ? I was also told the subsidy was removed recently.
If this is true, it must be hard for some of the old people living in my building.

My area is Juncal and Junin

Ours went up 200% recently too, so seems to be something that is happening.
New gas rates are official
Subsidy has been removed. We actually took Macri's advice and just put on a sweater and cut our consumption a ton. At the beginning of winter we were leaving the thermostat at 68-72 range (still haven't figured out how to switch the t stat from F to C). After a 1700 peso gas bill in june we put it at 64 and cut the m3 we used in half. And in about 2 weeks we weren't even wearing sweaters, the temp rarely dipped below 65 w/o the heat even coming on and we had gotten used to the temp. When a friend came over and we cranked it to 68, we were sweating!

It doesn't get that cold in buenos aires and I can't count the number of times i've been to someones house where it was stifling hot and there was a window cracked open!
I don't have a natural gas line to my house. I have a 220 kilo garrafa and I have to fill it twice per year. Earlier this year it cost about $1300 pesos for a refill. Recently, the cost was $3200. Unless I buy a minimum of 400 kilos per year I would have to pay about the same cost of one refill to rent the garrafa.

Obviously, I'd much rather spend the same money on gas and be warm in the winter (when my consumption is three times more than the summer).From June through September I only heat the kitchen during the day and I only heat my bedroom for a couple hours before going to bed. The rest of the house is a walk in cooler.

PS: A few years ago the cost of a 10 kilo garaffa of LP was $16 pesos (only at the YPF plant). That increased to $54 pesos about a year ago and recently jumped to $97 pesos as the subsidy was eliminated.
I received the METROGAS bill after four months without any charges, so I expected it to be large. It was just the opposite -- $0.00 due.

The accompanying letter to customers states that it will take time to return to a normal billing process.