Getting a new DNI / Cedula


Jun 6, 2005
My cedula has expired. My DNI is permanent and will not expire but they now have newer documents, not the clumsy old paper book that I still have. Are there others out there with Residencia Permanente who have applied for and received replacement documents? I went to a place in Patio Bullrich where they help people get documents but they told me that it is only for Argentines. Apparently I have to go to Migraciones. Is this true? And if so, how long does it take? The Federal Police were efficient with cedulas -- in and out with the document in a couple of hours. My experience with migracines years ago was a nightmare so I wonder is this is true now. I need to travel so can not be without the DNI. Another consideration.
I have the same problem. My passport has a Residente Permanente visa, but all my documents were lost by Migraciones and I have no DNI. Now I have to apply all over again "por vincula" at their office in Antartida Argentina. As you say, my experience there was a nightmare. I had an appointment there two weeks ago, but I missed that appointment due to the closing of EZE. I have been working on this since 1985 when I bought my apartment. Sometimes it is hard for me not to lose my temper with the bureaucrats.
My friend who has is a residente permanente applied for new DNI. (they will mail it to him in two weeks) But you will have to go to HIPOLITO IRIGOYEN 952, and the lines are not so bad. It took him about an hour or so. Much better than the past.
Now I am more confused. What is at Irigoyen 952? What branch of the government is this? So it is NOT correct that I have to go to Migraciones?

Did your friend have to give up his old DNI when he applied? Or was he able to keep the old one while he was waiting?
Sorry, checked with my friend for complete info. First you need a turno and once at the offices, then you will pay 35 pesos for new DNI. You can keep your old DNI, until your new one arrives by mail, within 2 months.
garygrunson said:
Sorry, checked with my friend for complete info. First you need a turno and once at the offices, then you will pay 35 pesos for new DNI. You can keep your old DNI, until your new one arrives by mail, within 2 months.

HOW do you get a turno?
It isn't *usually* taking 2 months is the good news -- most people I know have had their new DNI issued within 15-20 working days.
syngirl said:
It isn't *usually* taking 2 months is the good news -- most people I know have had their new DNI issued within 15-20 working days.

Good news / bad news

With so many holidays 15 to 20 working days is usually about 2 calendar months.
I think San Peron is next Monday as usual.:p