Gold-plated chicken nuggets...


Apr 12, 2011
Well, call me extravagant and I know I should've slaughtered my own fowl, minced it and breaded it, but I slung a small bag of Patitas into the shopping basket just now and it left me over 20 pesos out on my bill calculations.

32 pesos for a bag of Patitas! My god, in UK a giant bag would cost 1 pound at Iceland. Only the thought of Christina and her Louboutins helps me get this into any kind of perspective...
Dear CarverFan:
Perhaps the price was a subliminal message from chickens who wish you would consider a vegetarian diet. But is that is not a possibility perhaps raising and slaughtering your own chickens will give you some value to their lives.
Leave the man and his nuggets alone:D

Processed food (nuggets, frozen pizzas etc) is definitely platinum priced here. I guess the theory is you pay a premium for the convenience factor.
citygirl said:
Leave the man and his nuggets alone:D

Processed food (nuggets, frozen pizzas etc) is definitely platinum priced here. I guess the theory is you pay a premium for the convenience factor.

Become poor and get cancer is the mantra of today . Junk food is king now in Buenos Aires .
What I can't believe is the price of ice cream and desserts.......yesterday I was in the Galerias Pacifico mall (I don't shop there, just walk through 'cause it's so nice in there) and I walked through the food court. I saw a brownie.......yes a BROWNIE for $21 pesos and also saw that the cheapest ice cream at Freddo's is now $17 pesos. I used to eat ice cream about once a week and now probably once every few months. You can get good ice cream at Faricci's on Entre Rios and Moreno $9 pesos for a small cone.......still expensive but uffff I'm only human and get horny for ice cream sometimes.......
Well, Zingara, actually I am already a peace-loving vegetarian and sometimes fruitarian, the patitas were for the other members of my family...I was just being facetious.
So am I CarverFan. Almost vegan. Never perfect. Only trying to be better.
Not preaching but I do recommend a movie I just watched: Forks over Knives.
Its main point is that our diets are getting us sick but by changing it we can immediately get healthier.