Good Tea


Mar 20, 2014
Along with general dissatisfaction with the quality of coffee, I was also disagreeably surprised at the low quality of tea here in BsAs.

I tried La Virginia and La Morenita, both of which are just bad. They have that stale, musty taste that tells you they have been badly warehoused, badly transported, exposed to excessive temperatures, or are just old and stale. I tried Green Hills and that is a little better, at least it's not stale, but it's insipid and boring, with no real substance.

Even the tea at the Birkin last Friday, in spite of its very nice presentation in a truly lovely glass teapot and cup and saucer, was stale-tasting. In sharp contrast to how good their coffee is.

This morning I went to a new cafe near my house, ordered tea, and was delightfully surprised. This was a truly premium cup of tea, fully on a par with Taifoo. It had the light, delicate, floral, almost perfumed flavour that comes only from the tops of the tea plant, and only lasts as long as the tea is very carefully taken care of. Looking at the bag, I saw El Fundador was the brand. So I asked the waitress, where can I buy this. She consulted with the owner and came back to tell me it's a commercial brand that they get from their coffee supplier, and she doesn't know if it's available retail at all.

Any thoughts? What would Ayn Rand say? Should collectivists concern themselves with the quality of their own tea, while the masses are forced to drink mediocre tea? ;)
I have many Argentinean friends still. They say the best Tea one can have in Argentina are the "Te Mate"
are you guys tried or already addicted to the Tea of people of Argentina loves and their best past time.? Pass the Bombilla around, how many people sips from the same?
Ewwww, not me. Redpossum, try the Casa de Cafe chain thingy? They may sell tea for people to take home. Just a guess, I'm not sure.
I have many Argentinean friends still. They say the best Tea one can have in Argentina are the "Te Mate"
are you guys tried or already addicted to the Tea of people of Argentina loves and their best past time.? Pass the Bombilla around, how many people sips from the same?

Back in the 1970's, Celestial Seasonings sold a lot of their Morning Thunder, which was a 50/50 blend of black tea and yerba mate. I tried it, drank some, wasn't amazed. Far be it from me to insult Argentina's traditional beverage, so let's just say my palate lacks the refinement needed to appreciate mate.

Ewwww, not me. Redpossum, try the Casa de Cafe chain thingy? They may sell tea for people to take home. Just a guess, I'm not sure.

Casa de cafe, good idea, thanks!
You can get Tazo teas in starbucks here (just like most parts of the world), I quite like the Darjeeling, and the Earl Grey.

Virginia, Green Hills are awful.
I see a lot of Patagonia brand in the specialty shops and wine stores. It's more expensive than the others, might be good. I haven't tried it yet, we are still using US stuff ( we don't drink that much tea ). For coffee beans go to Full City Coffee in Palermo, very good beans.

I usually bring tea from the States, but have you tried (website being updated at the moment, but there are several branches around town).
im a big fan of mate and the bitterness it provides (if youre going to add sugar, what's the point?) and i have to say I appreciate the ritual around it too. but maybe that's just me acting out on some repressed memories of the hyper germphobic united states of america or something.
Also, Paul's in Palermo has a beautiful tea shop, selling loose tea. And, a great place to get a nice cup of espresso, with a small plate of those little candied orange peels, delicious.