Granted Permanent Residency - Now What?


Sep 10, 2010
I just got news today that my case for residency was finally approved!!! I applied for residency through my marriage to my Argentine wife and after a long battle over my criminal background check I finally was approved today.

My question involves what I do now. Do I wait for them to assign me a DNI number or and then send me a DNI by mail or do I have to go and make some kind of appointment to get my DNI?

My letter from migraciones doesn't say anything about it.

ARTICULO 1o.- Concédese residencia PERMANENTE en el país, a partir del 15-07- 2015, a la persona cuyos datos se detallan a continuación:
País de Nacimiento: ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA Fecha de Ingreso al país 31-07-2014
Estado Civil: CASADO/A

Tipo y N° Documento: P 42XXXXXXXX
ARTICULO 2o.- Regístrese e infórmese a la DIRECCION NACIONAL DEL REGISTRO NACIONAL DE LAS PERSONAS para la toma de razón. Hecho, archívese.
c. b. p. f.
If it's the same as mine two years go--they should deliver your DNI to your home within 2-4 weeks. You should receive an SMS from Renaper when it's issued if you provided a mobile number. Delivery is about 6-8 days after the text is received in the BA...I assume it's quicker. Only if you miss the delivery attempt(s) should you have to return to the Migraciones.

Once you have can start your citizenship process. ;)

If it's the same as mine two years go--they should deliver your DNI to your home within 2-4 weeks. You should receive an SMS from Renaper when it's issued if you provided a mobile number. Delivery is about 6-8 days after the text is received in the BA...I assume it's quicker. Only if you miss the delivery attempt(s) should you have to return to the Migraciones.

Once you have can start your citizenship process. ;)


So no need to make an appointment or anything? Interesting...I was confused because it doesn't explicitly say anything about my DNI arriving. But I was under the assumption this entire time that it was all one big process. I gave them photos and such so I was thinking why would they need me to do another step, but then I reasoned it's Argentina that sounds perfectly possible :|

Thanks for the comment. I appreciate it. I guess I will wait and see. Hopefully nothing has changed in the last two years since you got yours.
If it's the same as mine two years go--they should deliver your DNI to your home within 2-4 weeks. You should receive an SMS from Renaper when it's issued if you provided a mobile number. Delivery is about 6-8 days after the text is received in the BA...I assume it's quicker. Only if you miss the delivery attempt(s) should you have to return to the Migraciones.

Once you have can start your citizenship process. ;)


So its been about 6 weeks now and I still have not received anything. Any ideas on where to go from here? Do I need to make a turno to go get my DNI? I don't even know where to go or who to contact about this outside of going back to migraciones (AKA migraines). Does anyone have any input?
Have you checked the status of your DNI? You can do that at Make sure to click on "Consulta por Boleta Prenumerada" and then enter the number from your payment receipt for your DNI.
Have you checked the status of your DNI? You can do that at http://mininterior.g...ramite-dni.php. Make sure to click on "Consulta por Boleta Prenumerada" and then enter the number from your payment receipt for your DNI.

I think I paid for the DNI when I did all the papers at migraciones...but I don't have any kind of number to look it up. They have not issued me a DNI number, only my numero de expediente, and my precaria number. Ive heard it could be as long as 90 days afterwards that it arrives in the mail. Has anyone else waited that long?
I think I paid for the DNI when I did all the papers at migraciones...but I don't have any kind of number to look it up. They have not issued me a DNI number, only my numero de expediente, and my precaria number.

They gave you two papers that you needed to pay in order to start your application (most likely at Banco Nación). One was the immigration fee for the residency application (was 600 pesos in my case) and the other one was for your DNI (40 pesos). Both should have been stamped by the bank and returned to you. The one for the DNI has that number you need on it. And if I remember it correctly I had to give that DNI payment receipt to the mailman when he brought the DNI envelope. So you should still have that paper.
In order to receive the DNI at your home--you need that receipt for the $35..."Boleta Prenumerada". If they do show up and you don't have that--they will not give it to you. It's also very possible that they tried to deliver it--or that it was routed to migraciones where you can pick it up in person (it goes to them if it's not delivered). You could try to email the migraciones office to see if it's there to save yourself a trip.
40 pesos now for the DNI and yes, the number is on the receipt that they gave you when you paid at migraciones (small receipt probably stapled to your precaria).

Should have come within a week or two of your notification it was approved. Go online and check your status. Worst case you need to go pick it up but either rway - you need that receipt.