Is anyone familiar with it? I've been using it for quite a while now and it is a godsend if you're relying on colectivos to get from one place to another (beats the taxis and remis in terms of savings, $1-2 ARS a pop for a colectivo vs. $8 ARS or more, depending on where you have to get to). The BIG one covers Capital and Grand Buenos Aires province, while the bosillo version only covers Capital. Have anyone had any experience with using the GPS auto navigation units here? I gave mine away to my parents when I moved because the unit I've had was compatible with the US & Europe only (TomTom). I just got a new Garmin Nuvi unit sent from home since I have found out that there are maps available for Garmin Nuvi GPS units in Argentina.
Has anyone used a Garmin auto GPS unit here yet? What's your outtake on it, please let me know.Thanks, Mike
Has anyone used a Garmin auto GPS unit here yet? What's your outtake on it, please let me know.Thanks, Mike