Guitar teacher wanted

  • Thread starter mellowshipslinky
  • Start date


Can anyone recommend a local guitar teacher?

English speaker would be nice but can get by if solo espanol. . .

Looking for more advanced stuff than the standard beginners repertoire, have been playing for a long time but have left big gaps in some areas so need a purist that will pick me up on the flaws in technique.

Now that you mention it, I'm interested in the same exact thing. Told myself I was going to finally take lessons down here (playing for 10 years) but never got my lazy ass around to it. PM me too if you like. After mellowship, of course.

Thanks for the healthy reminder mellowship!
I know a good one. Classical guitar, traditional folk and blues and probably more than that. I will send you both a pm
Thanks for the PM Aleina . . .

I've since found a decent teacher with good english. Picked me up a lot of stuff I've been lazy or otherwise ignorant of all these years!

Message me if anyone's keen for contact details