Hallo-Hola Intercultural meetings between germans and argentinians


Aug 24, 2010
Since 2007 we have been working in Buenos Aires to integrate the german people with the people of Argentina. We support the language exchange by making meetings, that are called " TANDEM". Although they are free, only the people who speak spanish or german as a mother language are aloud to participate, because it is about language exchange. The spanish speakers are all learning german, and the german speakers are all learning spanish.
Our organization makes much more, in order to integrate Argentina with german countries. We work with the Consulates of Germany, Austria and Switzerland in Buenos Aires, in order to promote all this cultures. We promote the culture by a web page " www.hallo-hola.com" which is in spanish and german. We give important info about this countries directed to the expats and students who are traveling and staying in any of this countries, more in Argentina.
We have a cultural agenda, and interviews made to well known artists and Sportsmen like : the german band Die Toten Hosen, teh argentinean band Ratones Paranicos, and the football player Jose Luis Chilavert.
We have also a redaction where everyone can send an article about culture or general interest, and soon we are going to put much much info about football in argentinean, because we have a lot of new projects.
The web page is going to be changed soon, in order to be clearer and better.
We do all this work with a lot of effort, without getting any money and with the intent of improve the bilateral relationships between culture of the german countries and argentina.
So if you have any interest in our work, you can see all the info in our web page: www.hallo-hola.com
if you wanna come to the Tandem events because your mother language is soanish or german and you are in Buenos AIres, then enter here www.hallo-hola.com/tandem
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