Have You Seen These? Impostor Evitas...

I would have just figured the printer messed up and ignored it. It's hard to tell sometimes what's fake and what's simply shoddy construction.
Do the bills feel any different? I've come across bills that definitely feel different - lighter and more paper-like, but never really looked too closely. Best not to. :p Vista gorda here as with so many things.
It's the feel of the paper, the lifted "BANCO DE LA REPUBLICA ARGENTINA" lettering, the watermark, etc. You can read more here: http://www.bcra.gov.ar, under "Billetes y Monedas."

I was curious about this so I went to that Websites and it says there are TWO VERSIONS of Evita's bill. The one Michelle and I posted is the 2012 edition, whereas the other one is from 2013. The differences are the ones highlighted by Michelle. But they are both legit.
By the way, what I noticed as differences may in fact be incorrect across different series of bills (thanks, Bradly and others...your questions caused me to seek more info).

The placement, direction, color, and texture differences of the flor de ceibo are not indicators of authenticity. (this line was edited).

The rest of the differences noted are indicators of authenticity. If you're interested in the differences across different series of bills and how to tell an impostor from a legit Evita, you can check it out at this website: http://www.infobae.c...letes-100-evita

The guy we met with today says he checks placement of "100" on the left side of the image of the woman and two babies...it should be placed in the upper left corner of the bill, not in the center, like ours below. He also checks the metallic strip to see that it is still intact, which seems to be the determining factor of acceptance for 2 out of 3 we've encountered. Happy spending to all!!!

The offset printing error of the Evita notes is a widely known issue. 95% of the time you won't have a problem. At least I never did. In all the years since those came out, I only had one waitress tell me it was invalid (not counterfit!) I simply gave her another one and passed the problematic one off at the next bar/resto.

Sometimes I wonder if the Baxpats don't thrive off made up problems. Maybe you should stop worrying about counterfirt Evitas and worry more about where to find Kale, Dr Pepper or Cheetos.
The offset printing error of the Evita notes is a widely known issue. 95% of the time you won't have a problem. At least I never did. In all the years since those came out, I only had one waitress tell me it was invalid (not counterfit!) I simply gave her another one and passed the problematic one off at the next bar/resto.

Sometimes I wonder if the Baxpats don't thrive off made up problems. Maybe you should stop worrying about counterfirt Evitas and worry more about where to find Kale, Dr Pepper or Cheetos.
Or how to earn the damn pesos in first place to survive here!

Posts after 3am! Hey guys, this is really no big deal. Everybody knows you just spend these suckers where ever they take'em. What's all the fuss?
Not necessarily everyone posts from Argentina. Have you heard of time zone? time difference?

excuses... (you know I'm kidding with you, right? I'm guilty of 3am posts, too...)
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